The Indigenous Peoples' Journal of Law, Culture, and Resistance
Mission: We are the Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance and we are here to serve as a law journal that publishes writings concerning Native Peoples’ cultures, traditions, and histories. We publish with the goal of bettering and advancing Native Nations and Indian People. Our Journal is here to actively resist against the insidious effects of colonialism, racism, and the subjugation of Native Peoples. We promote Native scholarship, both student and faculty, and support Native scholars and voices. We partner with Native communities to publish writings that will bring attention to their specific situations and legal battles. We discuss any and all legal struggles faced by Native Nations and Indian People and in so doing actively seek out publishable material from the traditional as well as the intellectual perspective.
We are the Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance.
Current Issue

Decolonization of Language Policy in Arctic Canada - Letter to the Editor
Hadlari, Thomas
Revitalizing Stewardship and Use of Tribal Traditional Territories: Options for Improving California Policy and Law in State-Managed Lands and Waters
Berkey, Curtis; Costa, Erica; Simon, Aviva
Eagle Permits, RFRA, and American Indian Religious Freedom: Legal Avenues for First Amendment Protection
Wilson, Khrystyne H.
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Defense of the Indian Child Welfare Act
Truitt, Elizabeth