Putting Scholarship into Practice: Detained Immigration Courts, Race Discrimination Claims, and New Immigrant Youth
Please join the Center for Immigration Law & Policy (CILP), students, alumni, and members of the immigrants’ rights community for Sunday brunch and a conversation that bridges the gap between cutting-edge immigration scholarship and practice. UCLA professors Ahilan Arulanantham, Ingrid Eagly, and Nina Rabin will discuss their forthcoming articles: Reversing Racist Precedent (Arulanantham); Detained Immigration Courts (Eagly and Shafer); and Second Wave DREAMers (Rabin). The conversation, moderated by Hiroshi Motomura, will examine three timely topics: the argument that courts should disregard the precedential force of case decisions that were motivated by racial animus, the emergence of a segregated system of detained immigration courts, and the distinct challenges faced by contemporary child migrants. We look forward to a rich discussion of how this new scholarship can contribute to an understanding of today's immigration landscape and the advocacy tools needed to navigate it. There will be opportunity for attendees to eat and connect with the authors and each other prior to the start of the conversation and after.
UCLA School of Law is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. This session is approved for 1 hour of MCLE Credit.
RSVP at bit.ly/2024RoundtableRSVP by noon on Friday, February 16th to reserve your brunch.