Lee Petherbridge

Visiting Professor

Lee Petherbridge currently focuses his research on the connection between natural selection and the law. His areas of specialty include administrative law, patent law, and property law.

He has authored over 35 articles and essays on topics spanning from empirical analyses of judicial decisionmaking to the examination of gender disparity in law review citation rates. His work has appeared in such journals as the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, the Texas Law Review, the Cornell Law Review, and the Northwestern Law Review, among others. Some of his work can be found at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=367550

Prior to joining the Loyola Law School faculty in 2005, he served as law clerk to the Honorable Raymond C. Clevenger III of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Petherbridge holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, Baylor College of Medicine, Smith College, and Western New England College.

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