Vice Dean for Curricular and Academic Affairs
Professor of Law
- B.A. Emory, 1988
- M.A Emory, 1988
- J.D. Harvard, 1992
- Member of the California Bar
- UCLA Faculty since 2010
Sung Hui Kim is the Vice Dean for Curricular and Academic Affairs. She has taught Business Associations, Contracts, Professional Responsibility, Securities Regulation, and seminars on the psychology of modern legal practice and legal ethics. She has written on a wide range of topics, including the role of in-house counsel in corporate compliance, cognitive science and the legal profession, fiduciary law, public and private corruption, insider trading law, neorepublican legal ethics, social psychology of ethical decision-making, the role of gatekeepers in securities regulation, sovereign debt, and supermajority provisions in the U.S. Constitution. Co-authored books include PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH (5th ed. West Academic Press 2023), FIDUCIARY GOVERNMENT (Cambridge University Press 2018), and CAN DELAWARE BE DETHRONED? EVALUATING DELAWARE’S DOMINANCE OF CORPORATE LAW (Cambridge University Press 2018).
Her scholarship has appeared in both peer-reviewed and student-edited publications, such as Capital Markets Law Journal, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Michigan Law Review, Oxford University Press, UCLA Law Review, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Securities Law Review, and University of Chicago Press. She holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School, cum laude, and a B.A., summa cum laude, and M.A. in History from Emory University. Prior to law school, she was a Henry Luce Foundation Scholar in South Korea. Following law school, she was a Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow in Germany. After six years in private practice as a transactional lawyer, she joined Red Bull North America, Inc. as its first general counsel and served for four years prior to making the transition to law teaching. In 2005, she joined the Southwestern Law School and in 2010 joined the faculty of the UCLA School of Law. From 2013-14, she was an Emile Noël Fellow of the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice, NYU School of Law. She serves on the Organizing Committee of the Fiduciary Law Workshop.
- Professional Responsibility: A Contemporary Approach (with Renee Jefferson, Russell Pearce, Bruce Green, Peter Joy, Ellen Murphy, Laurel Terry and Lonnie Brown). 5th ed. West Academic (2023). Prior editions: 4th, 2020; 3rd, 2017
- Fiduciary Government (edited by Evan J. Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew S. Gold, Sung Hui Kim, and Paul B. Miller). Cambridge University Press (2018).
- Can Delaware be Dethroned? Evaluating Delaware’s Dominance of Corporate Law (edited by Stephen M. Bainbridge, Iman Anabtawi, Sung Hui Kim, and James Park). Cambridge University Press (2018).
Articles And Chapters
- Kenneth Chesebro and the Ethics of Election Subversion, Cardozo L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025).
- The Profit Principle: Tracing the Moral Decline of Corporate Law Firms, 122 Mich.L.Rev. 1321 (2024). Full Text
- Legal Ethics After #MeToo: Autonomy, Domination, and Nondisclosure Agreements, 73 Duke L.J. 463 (2023). Full Text
- Reimagining the Lawyer’s Duty to Uphold the Rule of Law, 2023 U. Ill. L. Rev. 781 (2023). Full Text
- Do Lawyers Make Good Gatekeepers?, in The Cambridge Handbook of Investor Protection, (edited by Arthur Laby, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2022). Reprinted in Law & Finance eJournal, Vol. 13, No. 68 (Bernard S. Black, ed., Oct. 13, 2021). Full Text
- Economic Inequality, Access to Law, and Mandatory Arbitration Agreements: A Comment on the Standard Conception of the Lawyer's Role, 88 Fordham Law Review 1665 (2020). Full Text
- Fiduciary Law and Corruption, in The Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law, (edited by Evan J. Criddle, Paul B. Miller, and Robert H. Sitkoff, Oxford University Press, 2019). Full Text
- The Failure of Federal Incorporation Law: A Public Choice Perspective, in Can Delaware be Dethroned? Evaluating Delaware’s Dominance of Corporate Law, (edited by Stephen Bainbridge, Iman Anabtawi, Sung Hui Kim, and James Park, Cambridge University Press, 2018). Full Text
- The Supreme Court’s Fiduciary Duty to Forgo Gifts, in Fiduciary Government, (edited by Evan J. Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew S. Gold, Sung Hui Kim, and Paul B. Miller, Cambridge University Press, 2018). Full Text
- Introduction—Fiduciary Government: Provenance, Promise and Pitfalls (with Evan J. Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew S. Gold, & Paul B. Miller), in Fiduciary Government , (edited by Evan J. Criddle, Evan Fox-Decent, Andrew S. Gold, Sung Hui Kim, and Paul B. Miller, Cambridge University Press, 2018). Full Text
- Fiduciary Law’s Anti-Corruption Norm, in Research Handbook on Fiduciary Law, (edited by Andrew S. Gold and Gordon Smith, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2017). Full Text
- Inside Lawyers: Friends or Gatekeepers?, 84 Fordham Law Review 1867 (2016). Full Text
- Pari Passu: The Nazi Gambit, 9 Capital Markets Law Journal 242 (2014). Full Text
- Insider Trading as Private Corruption, 61 UCLA Law Review 928 (2014). Full Text
- What Governmental Insider Trading Teaches Us About Corporate Insider Trading, in Research Handbook on Insider Trading, (edited by Stephen M. Bainbridge, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013). Full Text
- The Last Temptation of Congress: Legislator Insider Trading and the Fiduciary Norm Against Corruption, 98 Cornell Law Review 845 (2013). Full Text
- The Ethics of In-House Practice, in Lawyers in Practice: Ethical Decision Making in Context, (edited by Lynn Mather & Leslie Levin, University of Chicago Press, 2012). Full Text
- The Diversity Double Standard, 89 North Carolina Law Review 945 (2011). Full Text
- Naked Self-Interest? Why the Legal Profession Resists Gatekeeping, 63 Florida Law Review 129 (2011). Full Text
- Lawyer Exceptionalism in the Gatekeeping Wars, 63 SMU Law Review 73 (2010). Reprinted in 43 Securities Law Review § 4:1 (2011) (ed. Donald C. Langevoort).
Full Text - Gatekeepers Inside Out, 21 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 411 (2008). Reviewed in The ACC Docket (November and December 2008 issues). Full Text
- The Banality of Fraud: Re-Situating the Inside Counsel as Gatekeeper, 74 Fordham Law Review 983 (2005). Full Text
- "We the (Supermajority of the) People": The Development of a Rationale for Written Higher Law in North American Constitutions, 137 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 364 (1993). Full Text
- Book Review, The Business Law Guide to Switzerland, 33 Harvard International Law Journal 655 (1992).