Law Students for Immigrant Justice

Law Students for Immigrant JusticeMission: LSIJ seeks to develop future immigration law practitioners and advocates, mobilize UCLA Law students to participate in advocacy efforts on behalf of immigrants in the Los Angeles community, foster immigration- and immigrants' rights-related dialogue at UCLA School of Law and the greater UCLA campus, and connect UCLA Law students with UCLA alums working in the immigration space and with the broader community by recruiting and organizing students to volunteer with community agencies that provide free and low-cost legal services for immigrants.

LSIJ believes that every person in this country—regardless of when or how they arrived here; the crimes they have been charged with or convicted of; their race, ethnicity, skin color, sexual orientation or gender identity; and their educational background or military service—deserves to live free from deportation, prison, and police violence on land stolen from Indigenous peoples. When we say police, we mean all private and state law enforcement agents who use violence to coerce—including ICE and private contractors running immigration prisons.

Contact LSIJ to get involved at or "like" our Facebook page at:

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Jul 25, 2024

Rick Hasen appears on the 'On the Media' podcast to discuss why Harris replacing Biden is not antidemocratic

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Jul 23, 2024

Rick Hasen talks to CNN about campaign finance rules involved in a Harris-for-Biden switch

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