Prison Accountability Project

Mission: The Prison Accountability Project’s primary purpose is to document abuses in California prisons and jails in a way that centers the perspectives of incarcerated people. The project works to accomplish this goal by: 1. Analyzing first-hand accounts detailing prison and jail conditions in prisons and jails throughout California; 2. Drafting reports that summarize concerning trends identified by incarcerated people; 3. Publicizing and communicating our findings to lawyers and directly impacted community members; 4. Explaining our findings and methodology to policymakers; and 5. Advocating for discrete reforms based on the findings of our report.

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Jul 15, 2024

Jon Michaels speaks with the LA Times about how California is 'a convenient foil' for Republicans in the election

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Jul 13, 2024

Cara Horowitz speaks with NPR about judicial hostility to environmental regulations

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