Office of Student Services

The Office of Student Services works closely with students, other resources at the law school and across the UCLA campus to advise current students and make their time at UCLA School of Law as smooth, productive and collegial as possible. Connect with Student Services personnel for help with:

  • Academic support
  • Counseling
  • Course registration and exams
  • Grades
  • Resources for student organizations and journals
  • State bar certification
  • Student records


Office of Student Services Staff

Bayrex Martí
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

Brian Hansen
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs

Tiffani Garnett
Director of Student Affairs and Inclusive Learning Environment

Carmina Ocampo
Director of Student Life

Jordana Ruhland
Assistant Registrar

Jana Stremfelj
Assistant Registrar

Iman Jafri
Assistant Director of Student Publications

Theresa Robbinson
Student Affairs Coordinator

Laurie Keller
Director of Records

Kalene VanHuss
Assistant Director of Records

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Jun 21, 2024

Adam Winkler talks to the LA Times about the Supreme Court's ruling on guns and domestic violence

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Jun 20, 2024

Cara Horowitz is quoted in an LA Times column about the longtime relationship between the Dodgers and Big Oil

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