How to Win and Ace Your Clerkship, a Discussion with Appellate Judge Kevin Newsom of the 11th Circuit
Please join the UCLA Chapter of the Federalist Society on Thursday, 4/6 from 11:45-1:00pm for a panel with federal Judge Kevin Newsom of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. He will be speaking to students about his career path, his general experiences as a judge and how he evaluates clerkship applications. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Eugene Volokh and UCLA Law alumnus '18 Brett Meyerhoff, Associate at McDermott, Will & Emery and formerly a clerk with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Business casual attire is reccomended.
Please RSVP here:
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, April 6
Time: 11:45 to 1:00pm
Room: LAW 1337