Fernán Restrepo

Assistant Professor of Law

Fernán Restrepo is an Assistant Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law, where he teaches and researches on corporate law and securities regulation. Before joining UCLA, Fernán was a research fellow at the Stanford University Rock Center for Corporate Governance, where he worked on asset managers and mergers and acquisitions.

Fernán’s empirically based scholarship examines how the law operates in practice, how it affects economic outcomes, and how it interacts with formal and informal enforcement mechanisms. His scholarship has been published in the Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Legal Studies, the Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, the Stanford Law Review, and the Harvard Business Law Review.

Fernán holds a Ph.D. in development economics from Cambridge University, a J.S.D. from Stanford Law School, an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, an M.Sc. in statistics from Stanford University, an LL.B. from Universidad Javeriana in Colombia, and a B.A. in Economics from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. During his graduate studies at Stanford, he was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics and a Gregory Terrill Cox Fellow in Law and Economics, and he received the John Hart Ely Prize in Law and Economics.


  • Academic Journals
    • The economic consequences of hedge fund regulation: An analysis of the effect of the Dodd-Frank Act, Journal of Legal Studies (forthcoming). Full Text
    • The capital-market effects of introducing private rights of action in securities regulation: Evidence from the United Kingdom, Journal of Law & Economics 66:183 (2023). Full Text
    • Judicial deference, procedural protections, and deal outcomes in freezeout transactions: Evidence from the effect of MFW, Journal of Law, Finance & Accounting 6:353 (2021). Full Text
    • The effect of prohibiting deal protection in M&A: Evidence from the United Kingdom (with Guhan Subramanian), Journal of Law & Economics 60:75 (2017). Full Text
    • The new look of deal protection (with Guhan Subramanian), Stanford Law Review 69:1013 (2017). Full Text
    • The effect of Delaware doctrine on freezeout structure and outcomes: Evidence on the Unified Approach (with Guhan Subramanian), Harvard Business Law Review 5:205 (2015). Full Text
    • Do different standards of judicial review affect the gains of minority shareholders in freeze-out transactions? A re-Examination of Siliconix, Harvard Business Law Review 3:321 (2013). Full Text
  • Book Chapters
    • Freezeouts: Doctrine and perspectives (with Guhan Subramanian), in Research Handbook on Mergers and Acquisitions (edited by Steven Davidoff and Claire Hill, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016).
  • Working Papers
    • The impact of the duty to maximize short-term value in mergers and acquisitions: An analysis of Revlon. (R&R, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization)
    • The impact of insider trading doctrine on the incidence of insider trading: An analysis of the effect of the misappropriation theory.  Working paper (2024).
    • The impact of non-fiduciary insider trading doctrine on the incidence of insider trading. Working paper (2024).
    • Pre-implementation effects of MiFID: An analysis of the preemptive response of the London Stock Exchange to competition from alternative trading venues. Working paper (2024).
    • Freezeouts of Cross-Listed Companies, (with Guhan Subramanian)  Working paper (2024)
    • Non-Corporate Freezeouts: Theory and Evidence, (with Guhan Subramanian) Working paper (2024).
    • Disappearing MOM conditions: Freezeouts in the aftermath of Solar City, (with Guhan Subramanian) Working paper (2024).