Merima Bruncevic

Dr. Merima Bruncevic is an associate professor of law and a STINT fellow at UCLA, where she teaches AI and Entertainment Law. Her research area is intellectual property, with a particular focus on the regulation of art and entertainment, as well as emerging technologies for cinema, music, museums, and urban heritage. She currently leads research projects related to the regulation of digital twins for museums, transnational cultural heritage, and cultural commons.

Dr. Bruncevic obtained her LLM in Entertainment Law with Distinction from the University of Westminster, London, UK, and later earned her Ph.D. from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has held significant roles including: Director at the Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Gothenburg, and visiting fellow in cultural heritage law at the Università Degli Studi, Rome, Italy. Beyond academia, she has professional experience in the entertainment industry, having worked as an intellectual property manager for the Walt Disney Corporation in London.

Her scholarly contributions include the books Regulating Transnational Heritage: Memory, Identity and Diversity (Routledge, 2022) and Law, Art and the Commons (Routledge, 2018). She has also published articles in academic journals such as Intellectual Property Quarterly, Nordic Journal of International Law, and Journal of Law and Social Research. Currently, Dr. Bruncevic is in the process of writing a book on Salka Viertel’s Hollywood contracts.