Aerial shot of UCLA campus buildings.
Aerial shot of UCLA campus buildings.
Search UCLA Law News

Your search did not return any matching UCLA Law news articles.

Search Suggestions

  • Ensure keywords are spelled correctly.
  • Try using more general keywords.
  • Try using partial words. For example, searching on Lif will match the words Life and California.
  • Multiple keywords are matched in any order. For example, searching on the keywords Prize Inaugural will return the news item Students Honored With Inaugural Susman Godfrey Prize.
  • Multiple keywords are matched in any order. For example, searching on the keywords Award UCLA will match Student Wins UCLA Award and American Bar Association Award UCLA.
  • Use "and" between two keywords to return only courses that include both words.
  • Use "or" between two keywords to return courses that include one or both of the words.
  • "and" and "or" can be used for only two keywords and may not be used together in the same search.
  • Try searching a different news type: In the Media, Publications, UCLA Law News
  • Try broadening your search to include all years.
  • Try searching on more or fewer Centers.
  • Try selecting all or clearing the tag selections: Faculty, Alumni, Clinical Education.
  • If you cannot find a news article that you know exists, please contact the web support team at