Melville B. Nimmer Memorial Lecture

Since 1986, this lecture has honored UCLA Law Professor Melville B. Nimmer by featuring leading scholars in Copyright and First Amendment law.


The Ziffren Institute invites students, faculty, alumni, and community members to an evening of engaging dialogue on Copyright and First Amendment Law. The event will feature a keynote lecture by Professor Jane Ginsburg of Columbia Law School, exploring the Role of Authorship in the Copyright Scheme.

The lecture will take place in person at UCLA School of Law and will also be livestreamed for remote participants. After the lecture, attendees are invited to a lively reception in Shapiro Courtyard to continue the conversation and network. Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credits will be available.

  • Date: Thursday, February 13, 2025
  • Time: 6:00-7:00 PM (reception to follow in Shapiro Courtyard)
  • Location: Room 1430, UCLA School of Law
  • Event Registration:




Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum Continuing Legal Education

The Legacy of Melville B. Nimmer

  • Biography

    The annual Melville B. Nimmer Memorial Lecture is a tribute to a distinguished and extraordinarily popular professor who graced the UCLA School of Law faculty from 1962 until his death in 1985. Professor Nimmer was a brilliant scholar and authority on copyright, entertainment law and freedom of speech. His four volume treatise on copyright law, first published in 1963, is still regarded as the “gold standard” text in its field and is routinely cited in judicial decisions. His son, David Nimmer, has carried on the responsibility to keep the treatise current and vital. As a civil liberties lawyer, Melville Nimmer won significant victories in freedom of speech cases before both the U.S. and California Supreme Courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court case Cohen v. California in 1971, which vindicated the right of political speech to include even words deemed highly offensive to those who hear them. He sometimes spoke of his civil rights cases, which he handled without pay for the American Civil Liberties Union, as the most satisfying part of his career. Professor Nimmer was an exceptional teacher and a gentle spirit. Those fortunate enough to know him were forever touched by his intellect, humor and humanity. As a celebration of his life and as a continuation of his work, the Melville B. Nimmer Memorial Lecture, endowed through the generous contributions of his family, friends, colleagues and former students, brings to the UCLA Law community outstanding legal practitioners, scholars and theorists for an evening of intellectual insight and fellowship.

Nimmer Lecture Committee

  • Members

    David Nimmer, Of Counsel, Irell & Manella LLP; Adjunct Faculty, UCLA School of Law

    Neil Netanel, Pete Kameron Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

    Jonathan Varat, Professor of Law Emeritus; Dean Emeritus, UCLA School of Law

    Seana Shiffrin, Professor of Philosophy; Pete Kameron Professor of Law and Social Justice, UCLA School of Law

    Xiyin Tang, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

    Eugene Volokh, Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

Past Speakers

  • Past Speakers and Lectures

    Jane Ginsburg, Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law at Columbia University
    Humanist Copyright
    Lecture recording

    Pamela Samuelson, Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law and Co-Director of Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at University of California, Berkeley
    Fair Use Defenses in Disruptive Technology Cases

    Jack Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and First Amendment at Yale University
    Free Speech Versus the First Amendment

    Seana Valentine Shiffrin, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Pete Kameron Professor of Law and Social Justice at University of California, Los Angeles
    Unfit to Print: Government Speech and the First Amendment

    Peter S. Menell, Koret Professor of Law and Co-Director at the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology

    Rebecca Tushnet, Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment at Harvard University

    Niva Elkin-Koren, Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law; Faculty Associate at Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University
    Fair Use by Design

    Eugene Volokh, Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law at University of California, Los Angeles
    The Freedom of Speech and Bad Purposes

    Mark Lemley, William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and the Director of the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology
    Faith-Based Intellectual Property

    Steven H. Shiffrin, Charles Frank Reavis, Sr., Professor of Law Emeritus at Cornell University
    The Dark Side of the First Amendment

    Neil Weinstock Netanel, Pete Kameron Professor of Law at University of California, Los Angeles
    First Amendment Constraints on Copyright After Golan v. Holder

    James Boyle

    Paul Goldstein, Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick Professor of Law at Stanford University
    What Is a Copyrighted Work? Why Does It Matter?

    Frederick Schauer, David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law at The University of Virginia
    Facts and the First Amendment 

    Geoffrey R. Stone, Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor of Law at University of Chicago
    The World of the Framers - A Christian Nation?

    The Honorable Aharon Barak

    William W. Fisher III, WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Faculty Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
    When Should We Permit Differential Pricing of Information?

    Jonathan D. Varat, Professor of Law Emeritus and Dean Emeritus at University of California, Los Angeles
    Deception and the First Amendment: A Central, Complex, and Somewhat Curious Relationship

    Sanford V. Levinson, W. St. John Garwood and W. St. John Garwood, Jr. Centennial Chair and Professor of Government at The University of Texas at Austin
    The Pedagogy of the First Amendment: Why Teaching About Freedom of Speech Raises Unique (and Perhaps Insurmountable) Problems for Conscientious Teachers and Their Students

    David Nimmer, Of Counsel at Irell & Manella LLP; Adjunct Faculty at University of California, Los Angeles
    Codifying Copyright Comprehensibly

    Mark Rose, Professor Emeritus at University of California, Santa Barbara
    Copyright and Its Metaphors

    Lawrence Lessig, Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Stanford University

    Robert C. Post, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale University

    Vincent Blasi, Corliss Lamont Professor Emeritus of Civil Liberties at Columbia University
    Free Speech and Good Character

    Orrin G. Hatch

    Pierre N. Leval

    William W. Van Alstyne
    Remembering Melville Nimmer: Some Cautionary Notes on Commercial Speech

    Kathleen M. Sullivan

    Rodney A. Smolla

    1992 Spring
    Martha Minow

    1992 Fall
    Ronald Dworkin

    Kenneth L. Karst

    Kent Greenawalt

    Harriet Pilpel

    Floyd Abrams

    Anthony Lewis

See All
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