M.L.S. Specialization: Criminal Law
Available on campus with some potential online classes for Part-Time and Full-Time Master of Legal Studies students.
Successfully Navigate the Criminal Justice System
UCLA Law’s Master of Legal Studies in Criminal Law is the newest specialization in the program. It is designed for professionals working in criminal justice at the local, state, and federal courts or agencies.
Sharpen your Understanding of the Criminal Justice System
Gain a sophisticated understanding of how the criminal justice system is crafted, implemented, and enforced through laws, regulations, court decisions, and law enforcement agencies. This specialization empowers you to navigate the complexities of the government landscape, preparing you to make a significant impact.
I am in an office mixed with investigators and attorneys, and I wanted to better understand how the attorneys think when preparing for trial. I highly recommend this program to anyone that would like to be challenged, learn how the law applies to your career, develop analytical skills, and understand how lawyers think.
Eduardo Miranda (MLS '23), District Attorney Investigator at County of Ventura
Sample Curriculum
All students start with the core curriculum and then complete electives from this list.
This list is offered as an example, with over 200 courses available. The exact list of courses that will satisfy each specialization will vary from year to year.
How will the Master of Legal Studies help you?
I want to grow professionally...to learn from all the professors and meet other students with similar interests. This is the perfect program for me.
Lucy Ortiz (MLS '24), Industrial Security Analyst at Northrop Grumman
Programs and Centers
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