Kimberly Clausing testifies on tax policy before the Senate Budget Committee

On January 17, Kimberly Clausing, the Eric M. Zolt Chair in Tax Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law, testified in front of the Senate Budget Committee on international tax reform and leveling the playing field for American workers and small businesses.
She said, “Today, such reforms are good not only for revenue, fairness and efficiency, but they are also consistent with U.S. leadership in the world economy, helping us work together with our partners abroad to address global collective action problems, like profit-shifting and offshoring and tax competition. This cooperation also builds the trust that is needed to tackle other global collective action problems that are very pressing today, including those surrounding climate change and national security.”
Clausing is an affiliated faculty member of the Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy at UCLA Law and of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
During the first part of the Biden administration, Clausing served in the U.S. Department of the Treasury as deputy assistant secretary for tax analysis, working as the lead economist in the Office of Tax Policy. Clausing has received two Fulbright research awards and is the author of the book Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global Capital (Harvard University Press, 2019).
This spring, she is teaching U.S. International Tax Law and Policy.
You can watch or read her full testimony on the Senate Budget Committee’s website.
J.D. Business Law & Policy