Transnational Program on Criminal Justice Initiatives

TPCL initiatives include the UCLA Criminal Justice Faculty Workshop.


  • UCLA Criminal Justice Faculty Workshop

    This workshop aims to support research by UCLA faculty on criminal justice. Faculty in all UCLA departments and schools are welcome to participate and present their work. UCLA doctoral students and law students with an interest in pursuing an academic career in criminal law are also welcome to participate. The workshop, currently co-sponsored by the UCLA Law Criminal Justice Program, has been running since 2015.

  • Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Criminology Workshop at the University of Buenos Aires School of Law

    This workshop aims to support the work of researchers in Latin America by providing them a forum to present their works-in-progress and giving them feedback on them. This workshop has been running since 2018 and has helped support the work of tenths of researchers in the region.

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Jul 25, 2024

Rick Hasen appears on the 'On the Media' podcast to discuss why Harris replacing Biden is not antidemocratic

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Jul 23, 2024

Rick Hasen talks to CNN about campaign finance rules involved in a Harris-for-Biden switch

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