CRS Law Teaching Fellowship

UCLA School of Law’s Critical Race Studies Program offers a fellowship to support the research and professional development of a candidate pursuing a career in law teaching. A CRS Law Teaching Fellowship candidate should possess a J.D., LL.M. or equivalent legal training; a strong academic record; excellent analytical and writing skills; and demonstrated interest and background in Critical Race Theory.

We welcome candidates who, in addition to the qualifications above, possess experience in legal practice, graduate training in other disciplines, or other professional background that informs their research and teaching interests.

We are not currently accepting applications. Please join our mailing list to be notified regarding our next application cycle.

Fellowship Recipients

  • 2009–11 CRS Fellow: Addie C. Rolnick

    Addie Rolnick served as the inaugural Critical Race Studies Fellow from 2009 to 2011. During the fellowship, her work mined the intersections and disjuncture between anti-racism and indigenous rights. She taught Critical Race Theory and a seminar entitled Indigenous Peoples, Race & American Law and published an article, "The Promise of Mancari: Indian Political Rights as Racial Remedy," 86 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 958 (2011), which received an honorable mention for the Law and Society Association's John Hope Franklin Prize recognizing the best article on race and law. Thereafter, she joined University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, where she is now tenured and teaches federal Indian law, Critical Race Theory, criminal law, civil rights, and a practicum in tribal law. Her research focuses on criminal and juvenile justice in Indian country; race and crime; and bridging gaps between federal Indian law, civil rights, and indigenous rights. Her scholarship has been published in the N.Y.U. Law Review, the UCLA Law Review, the American Indian Law Review, the N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, and the American Indian Culture and Research Journal, and she has advised various federal bodies and tribal organizations on Native youth in the juvenile justice system. She received her J.D. from UCLA School of Law in 2004 and her M.A. in American Indian Studies in 2007, also from UCLA. Prior to joining the academy, she represented tribal governments as an attorney and lobbyist with Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson & Perry, LLP in Washington, D.C., and worked as a legislative drafting consultant to tribal governments.

  • 2010–12 CRS Fellow: Priscilla Ocen

    Priscilla Ocen was the 2010 - 2012 Critical Race Studies Fellow at UCLA School of Law, where she taught a course on Critical Race Theory and a seminar on Race, Gender and Incarceration. She now serves as Professor of Law at Loyola Law School, where she teaches criminal law, family law and a seminar on race, gender and the law. Her work examines the relationship between race and gender identities and punishment. In particular, Ocen’s scholarship has explored conditions of confinement within women’s prisons and the race and gender implications of the use of practices such as shackling during labor and childbirth. She has also explored the ways in which race, gender and class interact to render women of color vulnerable to various forms of violence and criminalization. Her work has appeared in academic journals such as the California Law Review, UCLA Law Review and the Du Bois Review as well as popular media outlets such as the Los Angeles Daily Journal, Ebony and Al Jazeera. Ocen has applied her work to broader advocacy efforts, as she has served as a trainer for federal public defenders, assisted with the development of new programs in domestic violence centers in South Los Angeles, and strategized with community groups regarding efforts to monitor conditions of confinement in the Los Angeles County women’s jail. Most recently, Ocen was appointed to serve as a member of the newly established Los Angeles Sheriff’s Oversight Commission. She received her J.D. from UCLA School of Law in 2007.

  • 2012–14 CRS Fellow: Khaled Beydoun

    Khaled Beydoun served as the 2012-14 Critical Race Studies Fellow. He is now serves as Associate Professor Law at the Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law and Senior Affiliated Faculty at U.C.-Berkeley. He teaches Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, Critical Race Theory and Torts. Connecting the legal history of Arab and Muslim Americans with the modern era, Beydoun’s scholarship critically examines the expansion of the national security state and its impact on the civil liberties and civil rights of Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern communities, and the contemporary rise of Islamophobia as a form of animus carried out by the state and private actors. His scholarship has been featured in top law journals, including the California Law Review, UCLA Law Review, the Illinois Law Review, and the Columbia Law Review (Online). He is the author of "American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear." Beydoun received his J.D. from UCLA School of Law in 2004. 

  • 2017-19 CRS Fellow: K-Sue Park

    K-Sue Park served as the 2017-19 Critical Race Studies Fellow, and is a Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law. She writes and teaches about property law, race and law, and migration and settlement in American legal history. Prior to UCLA Law, she was at Georgetown Law as an Associate Professor of Law, where she taught first-year Property and a seminar entitled Land, Dispossession, and Displacement. Park’s scholarship examines the creation of the American real estate system and the historical connections between property law, immigration law, and American Indian law. Prior to her fellowship at UCLA, Park was an Equal Justice Works Fellow and staff attorney in El Paso, where she investigated predatory mortgage lending schemes as part of Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid’s foreclosure defense team. She earned her J.D. from Harvard Law School and her Ph.D. in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley, where she was a Javits Fellow. She is also a former Fulbright Scholar. In 2015, her article, “Money, Mortgages, and the Conquest of America” won the American Bar Foundation’s graduate student paper competition and the Association for Law, Culture and the Humanities’ Austin Sarat Award, and was selected for the Law and Humanities Junior Scholar Workshop. Her publications have appeared in the Harvard Law Review, The History of the Present, Law & Social Inquiry, Law & Society Review, and The New York Times.

  • 2021-2024 CRS/Williams Institute Fellow: Gregory Davis

    Gregory Davis CRS '14 was the inaugural 2021-2024 Richard Taylor Law Teaching Fellow. As a partnership between the Critical Race Studies Program and the Williams Institute, this fellowship will allow Davis to pursue research interests concerning the intersection of race, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

    Davis graduated from UCLA with a joint JD and MA in African American Studies in 2014. As a UCLA Law student, Davis was very involved with both the Williams Institute and the Critical Race Studies Program. He credits CRS as the principal reason he applied to UCLA Law, stating that his purpose in attending law school was not only to learn marketable skills but to “really come to grips with what society we are living in and how to fix it.” 

    From 2014-2018, Davis was a Point Foundation Scholar and received numerous awards in recognition of his outstanding scholarship, teaching, and leadership. In 2020, Davis earned his PhD in African & African American Studies at Harvard University, which focused on exploring the dynamics, philosophies, and policies of diversity, inclusion, and identity. In his work, Davis strives to analyze and criticize the dynamic ways in which race and society intersect. During his fellowship, Davis has used his social psychology background to understand how hegemonic forces like whiteness and heteropatriarchy impact our social and legal reality.

  • 2021-2024 CRS/Williams Institute Fellow: Emmanuel Mauleón

    Emmanuel Mauleón CRS '18 (he/him/his) is the Bernard A. and Lenore S. Greenberg Legal Fellow at UCLA School of Law. He teaches Race, Sexuality, and the Law; Latin Americans and the Law, and other courses framed through a Critical Race Theory lens. His current scholarship is focused on questions of racialized police violence, police power, and abolition.

    Mauleón studied Creative Expression and Social Movements at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and at New York University, Gallatin, before graduating with a B.F.A. in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. After being deeply involved in community activism and protest against racialized police violence, he went on to receive his J.D. from the UCLA School of Law with specializations in Critical Race Studies and Comparative and International Law. He served as a senior editor of the UCLA Law Review, the Chief Developmental Editor of the Chicanx Latinx Law Review, and as the Secretary of the Latinx Law Students Association.

    He previously worked as the Policing and Technology Fellow at NYU's Policing Project, where his work focused on regulating police access to surveillance and other emergent technologies, and as a fellow in the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, where his work centered on addressing white nationalist domestic terrorism, hate crime policy, and national security surveillance—particularly surveillance and policing of Black Muslim communities in the United States. He clerked for the Hon. Sarh Netburn in the Southern District of New York.

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