Law Reviews & Journals

UCLA Law is home to more than a dozen student-edited journals packed with critical analyses of today’s most pressing legal issues. Some of our publications – including the Asian Pacific American Law Journal and the National Black Law Journal – were the first of their kind in the nation. Prominent among our wide array of student organizations, our journals are forums for preeminent scholars, practicing attorneys and students wishing to play a role in the most significant legal discourse of our time.

Our Journals

Please note that the information contained on the Law Review and Journals web pages, or on other websites to which they are linked, is not monitored or controlled by UCLA School of Law, and does not represent official statements or views of UCLA School of Law.

  • Asian Pacific American Law Journal

    The Asian Pacific American Law Journal is the first law journal in the nation to address the legal, social and political issues facing the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community. The Journal welcomes all students as members.

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  • Chicanx-Latinx Law Review

    The Chicanx-Latinx Law Review is one of a few legal journals in the country devoted to scholarly analysis of issues relevant to Chicano and Latino communities. It publishes articles by judges, lawyers and scholars who provide new perspectives on the legal problems of the Latino community. All students are welcome to join.

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  • Criminal Justice Law Review

    The Criminal Justice Law Review (CJLR) focuses on current topics in criminal law, policy, and practice. CJLR seeks to develop a discourse regarding criminal justice by publishing articles, editorials, and interviews of practitioners, academics, and policymakers. CJLR also aims to foster a community by hosting an annual symposium for students, academics, practitioners, policymakers, and judges to come together to discuss current criminal justice issues.

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  • Disability Law Journal

    The Disability Law Journal at UCLA (DLJ) focuses on current topics in disability law and related fields. The DLJ seeks to develop a discourse regarding disability law by publishing articles; editorials; and interviews of practitioners, academics, policymakers, and other members of the disability law community. The DLJ also seeks to recognize the contributions to the field of disability law made by scholars before the establishment of the DLJ, and we does so by republishing relevant scholarship as necessary. The ultimate mission of the DLJ is to create a repository of disability law scholarship.

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  • Dukeminier Awards Journal of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law

    Each year, the Dukeminier Awards Journal staff and faculty advisory board identify the best articles on sexual orientation law and public policy from law reviews around the country and reprint these articles in a prize journal. The Dukeminier Awards Journal also publishes original articles written by law students, which are chosen as part of a national writing competition.

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  • Entertainment Law Review

    The Entertainment Law Review, published biannually, is devoted to legal issues affecting film, television, radio, computer and print media, and includes such topics as copyright and patent issues; the regulation of the entertainment industry; and labor, constitutional, administrative and antitrust law as they relate to the industry.

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  • The Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance

    We are the Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance and we are here to serve as a law journal that publishes writings concerning Native Peoples’ cultures, traditions, and histories. We publish with the goal of bettering and advancing Native Nations and Indian People.

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  • Journal of Environmental Law and Policy

    The Journal of Environmental Law and Policy offers diverse perspectives on topics of current environmental interest, such as toxic waste disposal and solar water heating. It offers students with an interest in environmental law or policy an immediate opportunity to become involved in editing and publishing in a field of rapidly growing importance.

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  • Journal of Gender and Law

    The Journal of Gender and Law, published biannually since 1989, provides a forum for feminist legal scholarship written by academics and students. Among its past noteworthy contributors are Catharine MacKinnon, Mary Daly, Frances Olsen and William Rubenstein.

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  • Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs

    The Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs is an interdisciplinary publication promoting scholarship in international law and international relations. It publishes articles by leading scholars, practitioners and other professionals from around the world, as well as student comments. Some of JILFA's issues are topical, focusing on immigration or international gender and race discrimination, and others offer more variety, ranging from conflicting approaches to technological developments, to the international criminal court, to sovereign debt crises.

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  • Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law

    Established in 2001, the Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law is the first journal in the United States dedicated to this area of study. The inaugural issue was published in 2002. JINEL presents scholarly and practical articles dealing with the complex and multifaceted issues of Islamic and Near Eastern law and its applications and effects within and outside of the Near East.

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  • Journal of Law and Technology

    Since 1996, the Journal of Law and Technology has produced an online journal providing a forum for timely and relevant materials addressing the law's attempt to keep pace with technological innovation. JOLT's content includes traditional scholarly articles and comments, and practical advice from attorneys practicing at the cutting edge of law and technology. JOLT also hosts an IP/High Tech Career Forum.

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  • National Black Law Journal

    The National Black Law Journal has been committed to scholarly discourse exploring the intersection of race and the law for 35 years. Started in 1970 by five African-American law students and two African-American law professors, the NBLJ was the first of its kind in the country. It has aimed to build on this tradition by publishing articles that make a substantive contribution to current dialogue taking place around issues such as affirmative action, employment law, the criminal justice system, community development and labor issues. The Journal is committed to publishing articles that inspire new thought, explore new alternatives and contribute to current jurisprudential stances.

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  • Pacific Basin Law Journal

    The Pacific Basin Law Journal is the only law review in the country devoted to the study of international and comparative law within the rapidly developing economic sphere of the Pacific Basin. Articles and case notes are solicited from members of the international legal community throughout East Asia and the Americas. In keeping with its practical focus, the Journal devotes special attention to legal issues that directly affect trade flows and international transactions in the Pacific Basin.

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  • UCLA Law Review

    UCLA Law Review, which publishes six times a year, has earned a reputation as one of the nation's leading legal periodicals; it is run by a student board of editors which determines membership on the basis of a writing competition. Membership on the Review helps students develop skills in legal research and writing and make significant contributions to the advancement of the law through the publication of commentary on crucial legal issues.

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If you are interested in learning about life at UCLA Law from 1956 through 2004, browse The Docket, a newspaper published by students for students of the UCLA School of Law.

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Mar 06, 2025

William Boyd talks to ProPublica about legislation that would prohibit the EPA from using chemical assessments in regulations

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Mar 06, 2025

Kimberly Clausing speaks with Bloomberg Law about the effects of slashing the IRS workforce

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