LL.M. Specialization in Technology Law
To be awarded the specialization in Technology Law, students must maintain a B- (2.7) grade average in courses taken for the specialization.
Detailed course descriptions are linked in the listings below. Prospective students should bear in mind that, due to curriculum scheduling and faculty availability, not every class listed is taught each year. This is most often true in the case of seminar courses. A sufficient number of courses will be available to enable those students who choose to specialize to satisfy the specialization requirements.
- Group A
Group B
(Sum of courses from Groups A and B must equal four)
LAW 240Antitrust Law I
LAW 402AI and Entertainment Law
LAW 421Cross-Border Intellectual Property Litigation
LAW 437Telecommunications Regulation
LAW 450News Media Law in the Digital Age
LAW 453Lawyering in Administrative Agencies - Current Issues at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
LAW 479Design Law
LAW 489Future Law: Law and Governance under transformative societal trends
LAW 495Artificial Intelligence Law
LAW 504Law, Technology, and Society
LAW 511A/BSocial Media and the Future of Democracy
LAW 525Patent Intensive
LAW 530IP Without IP: Beyond the Borders of Intellectual Property
LAW 538Innovation Theory and Intellectual Property
LAW 544Antitrust and Intellectual Property in the Digital Economy
LAW 573Digital Transformations in the Information Society
LAW 578Digital Wars - Major Current Legal Battles in Information Economies
LAW 582Brands: Constructing Identity
LAW 633Internet Law
LAW 658Human Rights and War Crimes Digital Investigations
LAW 724First Amendment Amicus Brief Clinic
LAW 760A/BPatent Clinic
LAW 766Information Policy Lab
LAW 777Patent Litigation