LL.M. Specialization in Business Law -- Business Law Track
To be awarded the specialization in Business Law -- Business Law Track, students must maintain a B- (2.7) grade average in courses taken for the specialization.
Detailed course descriptions are linked in the listings below. Prospective students should bear in mind that, due to curriculum scheduling and faculty availability, not every class listed is taught each year. This is most often true in the case of seminar courses. A sufficient number of courses will be available to enable those students who choose to specialize to satisfy the specialization requirements.
Business Law Track
Required Courses
(In addition to 220 and 230, select at least one Group A course and one additional course from Group A or Group B)
- Group A
Group B
(Sum of courses selected in Groups A and B must equal at least two)
LAW 222Estate and Gift Taxation
LAW 224U.S. International Taxation
LAW 231Advanced Corporation Law
LAW 244Television Law
LAW 251Business Strategy and Corporate Governance
LAW 252Business Torts
LAW 261Employment Law
LAW 271International Business Transactions
LAW 272International Trade Law
LAW 285Local Government Law
LAW 286Land Use
LAW 302Copyright Law
LAW 303Music Industry Law
LAW 305Entertainment Law
LAW 306Patent Law
LAW 348European Union Law
LAW 363Tax - Exempt Organizations
LAW 380State and Local Taxation
LAW 403Contracts for Foreign Lawyers
LAW 413Contract Law: Analysis and Application
LAW 419Real Estate Transactions
LAW 423Capital Markets Regulation
LAW 432International and Comparative Sports Law
LAW 434Business Skills for Lawyers
LAW 437Telecommunications Regulation
LAW 447Corporate Finance - What you need to know to be a successful lawyer
LAW 480Television Special Issues: SVOD/AVOD Platforms
LAW 484Information Privacy and Data Protection
LAW 485Consumer Financial Protection
LAW 490Renewable Energy Project Finance
LAW 506Advanced Topics: Corporate & Securities Law
LAW 520Corporate Law Policy
LAW 525Patent Intensive
LAW 543UCLA Colloquium on Tax Policy and Public Finance
LAW 560Regulation of the Business Firm: Theory and Practice
LAW 573Digital Transformations in the Information Society
LAW 575Regulation of Investment Funds
LAW 582Brands: Constructing Identity
LAW 606Mergers and Acquisitions
LAW 648A/BBusiness Law Workshop
LAW 660Cities in Distress
LAW 666The Law and Political Economy of Debt
LAW 693Food Litigation: Consumer Protection, Regulation, and Class Actions
LAW 721Real Estate Law: Affordable Housing
LAW 732Land Development Simulation
LAW 744Merger and Acquisition Transactions
LAW 751Transactional Skills
LAW 757Insurance for Litigators
LAW 759Life Cycle of a Business: From Start-up to Sale
LAW 780Tax Practice
LAW 785Negotiation Theory and Practice
LAW 791A/BTalent & Brand Partnerships / Name, Image & Likeness Clinic
LAW 972Negotiation Theory & Practice (J-Term)
LAW 985Silicon Valley Law for Startups, Entrepreneurs and VCs
LAW 986Law of Elon Musk
LAW 987Business Crime