Election-Law Listserv Archive (2011)

[EL] who expected an election law decision on Jan Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/01/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/3/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/02/2011 *
[EL] Fwd: Backup site for electionlineToday Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/03/2011 *
[EL] the perils of open primaries Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/03/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/4/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/04/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/5/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/05/2011 *
[EL] How the international community sees US elec jure.toplak@uni-mb.si" <jure.toplak@uni-mb.si> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Kieran Williams <kierandwilliams@yahoo.com>, Elec 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu>, ele 1/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Roy Schotland' <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu>, 'K 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Doug Hess' <douglasrhess@gmail.com>, election-l 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Kieran Williams <kierandwilliams@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com>, election-law 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] How the international community sees US elec Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> jure.toplak@uni-mb.si" <jure.toplak@uni-mb.si> 1/05/2011  
[EL] ramifications of Georgia ballot access law Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org>, Doug Hess 1/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Iowa to do time warp on felon voting? Even, Jeff (ATG)" <JeffE@ATG.WA.GOV> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, Bill Ma 1/05/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/6/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/06/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/7/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/07/2011 *
[EL] former British MP jailed for fraudulent exp Kieran Williams <kierandwilliams@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/07/2011 *
[EL] cert. granted in Nevada elections case/more Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 1/07/2011 *
[EL] a boost for proposed Calif. initiative on el Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] cert. granted in Nevada elections case/more Dalton, Linda A. (ATG)" <LindaD@ATG.WA.GOV> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 1/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/9/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/09/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/10/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/10/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 1/10/2011 *
[EL] Virginia Governor Establishes Advisory Redis Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/10/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/11/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/11/2011 *
[EL] "ABA Task Force Report Recommends Changes to Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Legi 1/11/2011 *
[EL] Voter Turnout in the 2010 Election Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/11/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/12/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/11/2011 *
[EL] Fwd: The Forum -- Special Issue: Midterm Ele Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] no party got a majority of vote in 2010 for Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/12/2011 *
[EL] Alabama ban on political group to group tran Edward Still <still@votelaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Alabama ban on political group to group tran Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> Edward Still <still@votelaw.com>, Election Law 1/13/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/13/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/13/2011 *
[EL] two studies based on comprehensive political Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] a different take on top-two chances in 9th c Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 1/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] a different take on top-two chances in 9th c Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/13/2011 *
[EL] One Year after Citizens United - forum at U. Anderson, Susan" <sanderson@publicampaign.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] One Year after Citizens United - forum at U. Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Anderson, Susan'" <sanderson@publicampaign.org> 1/13/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/14/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/14/2011 *
[EL] more news 1/14/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/14/2011 *
[EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 1/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 1/15/2011  
[EL] states without, or with few, elected judges Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/15/2011  
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] states without, or with few, elected judges Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> douglasrhess@gmail.com" <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 1/15/2011 *
[EL] FW: would Americans be happier if the USA b Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/16/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/16/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] FW: would Americans be happier if the USA b Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 1/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Derek Muller 1/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 1/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/16/11 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/17/2011 *
[EL] Giffords and Arizona section 38-291 Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/17/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/17/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] would Americans be happier if the USA broke Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Derek Muller' <derek.muller@gmail.com>, 'Rob Ric 1/18/2011 *
[EL] electoral college reform Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/18/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/18/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] electoral college reform Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] electoral college reform Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 1/18/2011  
[EL] more news 1/18/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/18/2011 *
[EL] A spiffy picture of Brad Smith and me David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 1/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] A spiffy picture of Brad Smith and me Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> 1/18/2011 *
[EL] message from Derek Cressman re NPV Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] A spiffy picture of Brad Smith and me Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, Davi 1/18/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/19/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/19/2011 *
[EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ele 1/19/2011 *
[EL] Please come tomorrow (1/20) - "One Year afte Anderson, Susan" <sanderson@publicampaign.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Bill 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, Sean Parn 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Bill 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Frank Askin' <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, 'Bill M 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, 'Bil 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, Sean Parn 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit John White <white@lfa-law.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org>, Frank Askin 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Frank Askin' <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, 'Bill M 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Bill 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, Sean Parn 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu" <faskin@kinoy.rutgers. 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> John White <white@lfa-law.com>, Bill Maurer 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, Sean Parn 1/19/2011  
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, Frank Ask 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com>, F 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> 1/19/2011 *
[EL] "The press" as a technology, not an industry Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, Frank Ask 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/19/2011 *
[EL] message from Trevor Potter re: The Press Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] message from Trevor Potter re: The Press Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> volokh@law.ucla.edu" <volokh@law.ucla.edu>, rick 1/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Steve Klein' <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, 'Sal 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> 1/20/2011 *
[EL] Ohio judicial race is not the only unsettled Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
[EL] 6th circuit hearing in contested race 5 pm t Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/20/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] 12 Months After: The Effect of Citizens Unit Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] Indiana Supreme Court oral argument Thursday Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> Ed Feigenbaum <EDF@ingrouponline.com> 1/20/2011  
[EL] more news 1/20/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/20/2011 *
Re: [EL] more news 1/20/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 1/20/2011 *
[EL] "Maybe if you prick [AT&T], he does not blee Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/20/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/21/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Mandatory consensus among public officials Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/21/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/22/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/22/2011 *
[EL] comparing 2006 and 2010 state legislative el Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/22/11 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Rick's comments on Koch brothers meetings John Shockley <shockley@augsburg.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/22/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/22/11 Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Rick's comments on Koch brothers meetings Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> John Shockley <shockley@augsburg.edu> 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/22/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/22/11 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> 1/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Rick's comments on Koch brothers meetings Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> John Shockley <shockley@augsburg.edu> 1/22/2011  
Re: [EL] electoral college reform Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/22/2011 *
[EL] CRS report? Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/24/2011 *
[EL] Dem pres primaries 2012 Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] CRS report? Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> allisonhayward@gmail.com" <allisonhayward@gmail. 1/24/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/24/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/24/2011 *
[EL] breaking news: Rahm off Chicago ballot Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] CRS report? Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] CRS report? Cain M Norris <norriscm@ufl.edu> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 1/24/2011 *
[EL] more news 1/24/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 FredWooch@aol.com" <FredWooch@aol.com> ABonin@cozen.com" <ABonin@cozen.com>, "rick.hase 1/24/2011 *
[EL] Rahm Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Rahm Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 1/24/2011  
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 1/24/2011  
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com>, rick.hasen@ 1/24/2011  
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] more news 1/24/11 Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, election- 1/24/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Kelner, Robert" <rkelner@cov.com> 'rick.hasen@lls.edu'" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "'el 1/25/2011 *
[EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/25/2011  
Re: [EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/25/2011  
Re: [EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, election-la 1/25/2011  
[EL] Son of Breaking News Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders Maceda, Cliff" <cmaceda_CONTRACTOR@ap.org> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, rick.hasen@ 1/25/2011  
Re: [EL] Breaking News: Illinois Supreme Court Orders Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> john.k.tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 1/25/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Paul Ryan <PRyan@campaignlegalcenter.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> PRyan@campaignlegalcenter.org" <PRyan@campaignle 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Paul Ryan <PRyan@campaignlegalcenter.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "election-la 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Paul Ryan' <PRyan@campaignlegalcenter.org>, JBo 1/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/25/11 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/25/2011 *
[EL] more news 1/25/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/25/2011 *
[EL] Craig Holman on CBS radio news Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/26/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/26/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/26/2011 *
[EL] 8th Circuit decision in Robins v. Ritchie Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/26/2011 *
[EL] Public Finance Vote in House, more news Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] Public Finance Vote in House, more news Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 1/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] Public Finance Vote in House, more news Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] Public Finance Vote in House, more news Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 1/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] Public Finance Vote in House, more news Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com>, Election Law 1/26/2011 *
[EL] Calif. Constitution's one-year residency req Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/27/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/27/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
[EL] message from Audrey Perry Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
[EL] Sixth Circuit opinion, more news Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
[EL] Bipartisan Coalition of Sens. introduce "Cam Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
[EL] Breaking news: Rahm decision Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 1/27/2011 *
[EL] Is it illegal for advocacy group to "[p]rovi Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/27/2011 *
Re: [EL] Breaking news: Rahm decision Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
Re: [EL] Breaking news: Rahm decision FredWooch@aol.com" <FredWooch@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 1/27/2011 *
[EL] help with references on influence of voters David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> PSRT-L@H-NET.MSU.EDU" <PSRT-L@H-NET.MSU.EDU>, "e 1/28/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/28/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/28/2011 *
[EL] Fwd: Governor McDonnell Announces Additional Rosanna Bencoach <rbencoach@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/28/2011 *
[EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> 1/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Denise Lieberman <dlieberman@advancementproject.o jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 1/28/2011  
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Denise Lieberman <dlieberman@advancementproject.o 1/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] election-law Digest, Vol 40, Issue 27 Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 1/29/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/29/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Denise Lieberman <dlieberman@advancementproject.o 1/29/2011  
[EL] Notes (and video) of a Mexican election toda Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/30/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 1/31/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/30/2011 *
[EL] Query about retention elections Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 1/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about retention elections john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu>, "election- 1/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Query about retention elections Even, Jeff (ATG)" <JeffE@ATG.WA.GOV> Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu>, "rick.hase 1/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about retention elections john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu>, "election- 1/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Query about retention elections Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 1/31/2011  
[EL] Query about judicial "representativeness" Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 1/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about judicial "representativeness" Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Dan Meek <dan@meek.net>, Election Law 1/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 1/31/2011  
[EL] election law book series David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> ethtalk@aspaonline.org" <ethtalk@aspaonline.org> 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about retention elections Nichols, Susan" <snichols@ncdoj.gov> Even, Jeff (ATG)" <JeffE@atg.wa.gov>, "Gaddie, R 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID expert for interview today Chandler Davidson <fcd@rice.edu> Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> 2/01/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/1/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/1/11 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/1/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Steve Hoersting' <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about judicial "representativeness" Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Dan Meek <dan@meek.net>, Election Law 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about judicial "representativeness" Mitchell Pearl <mpearl@langrock.com> Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu>, Elec 2/01/2011 *
[EL] fyi: National Defense PAC v. FEC Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/01/2011 *
[EL] another Bush v. Gore Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/01/2011  
Re: [EL] another Bush v. Gore Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, ric 2/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] another Bush v. Gore Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 2/01/2011 *
[EL] Electonlawblog news and commentary 2/2/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electonlawblog news and commentary 2/2/11 Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 2/02/2011  
Re: [EL] Electonlawblog news and commentary 2/2/11 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011 *
[EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011  
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Jose 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Is it Whom You Know or What You Know? Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Mark 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 2/02/2011  
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 2/02/2011  
[EL] more news 2/2/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] CA June statewide special to be all-mail? Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/02/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/3/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/03/2011 *
[EL] We have redistricting data... Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/03/2011 *
Re: [EL] We have redistricting data... Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/03/2011 *
[EL] Connecticut report Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/04/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/4/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/4/11 - Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Opposition" to VRA Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Opposition" to VRA Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Opposition" to VRA Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Opposition" to VRA Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Opposition" to VRA Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/04/2011 *
[EL] NVRA and EDR Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/04/2011  
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com>, Estel 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Brenda Wright <bwright@demos.org> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org>, Lorrai 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Barry C. Burden" <bcburden@wisc.edu> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org>, Lorrai 2/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] NVRA and EDR Brenda Wright <bwright@demos.org> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 2/04/2011 *
[EL] a good idea from Kentucky Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/05/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/5/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/05/2011 *
[EL] Haiti Elections: restrictions on US firms an Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/06/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/7/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/8/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/08/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/9/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] DoJ Preclearance of CA Redistricting Commiss Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 2/09/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/10/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/10/2011 *
[EL] California: Assistance requested with Prop. David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/10/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/11/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/11/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 2/11/2011 *
[EL] And in HAVA/EAC News Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, vot 2/11/2011 *
[EL] Statistics on total corporate and union spen Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/11/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/12/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/12/2011 *
[EL] Oligarchs' yachts and dictators' jets Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Oligarchs' yachts and dictators' jets Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 2/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Oligarchs' yachts and dictators' jets Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 2/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Oligarchs' yachts and dictators' jets Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu" <antoine.yoshinaka@uc 2/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/12/11 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 2/13/2011 *
[EL] message from Paul Edelman to EL list Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Ede 2/14/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/14/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/14/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 2/14/2011 *
[EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/15/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/15/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ele 2/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Scott Rafferty <rafferty@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 2/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Scott Rafferty <rafferty@gmail.com> 2/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Scott Raf 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 2/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> jbirkenstock@capdale.com" <jbirkenstock@capdale. 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 2/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 2/16/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/16/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com>, Al 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 2/16/2011  
Re: [EL] NY's new recusal proposal fatally flawed? Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 2/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] NY's new recusal proposal fatally flawed? Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 2/16/2011 *
[EL] First Amendment & ballot pamphlets Elmendorf, Christopher" <cselmendorf@ucdavis.edu Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] NY's new recusal proposal fatally flawed? Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] NY's new recusal proposal fatally flawed? john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 2/17/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/17/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/17/11 Bruce Cain <be.cain48@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/17/2011  
Re: [EL] First Amendment & ballot pamphlets Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] First Amendment & ballot pamphlets Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> Elmendorf, Christopher" <cselmendorf@ucdavis.edu 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] First Amendment & ballot pamphlets Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com>, Elm 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] First Amendment & ballot pamphlets Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 2/17/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton, Citizens United, & Clarence Thomas Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 2/17/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/18/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/18/2011 *
[EL] Excessive disclosure Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/18/2011 *
[EL] Instant runoff voting postscript -- Britain Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] Instant runoff voting postscript -- Britain Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 2/18/2011 *
[EL] looking at California's first Prop. 14 elect Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] looking at California's first Prop. 14 elect Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 2/19/2011 *
[EL] thanks to Doug Johnson Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/19/2011 *
[EL] my mea culpa was too hasty Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/19/2011 *
[EL] Djerejian: "one person, one vote, one time, Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/19/2011  
Re: [EL] Djerejian: "one person, one vote, one time, Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/19/2011  
[EL] reviews of local election administration qua Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/21/2011  
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Leslie Graves <leslie.graves@ballotpedia.org> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 2/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Leslie Graves <leslie.graves@ballotpedia.org>, Do 2/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Leslie Graves <leslie.graves@ballotpedia.org>, Do 2/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Leslie Graves <leslie.graves@ballotpedia.org> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 2/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 2/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] reviews of local election administration qua Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, Doug Hess 2/21/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/22/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/22/2011 *
[EL] Data on state and local enforcement of campa Bill Sherman <lists@shermanleary.com> 'election-law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/22/11 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 2/22/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/23/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/23/2011 *
[EL] Census Bureau adjusts Virginia's population Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, r 2/23/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/24/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/24/2011 *
[EL] Maryland Motor Voter Failures Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/24/2011  
Re: [EL] Maryland Motor Voter Failures Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/24/2011  
[EL] 1st circuit says parties can't limit party n Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/24/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/25/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/25/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/28/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 2/28/2011 *
[EL] seeking input on a paper regarding swing-vot David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> PSRT-L@H-NET.MSU.EDU" <PSRT-L@H-NET.MSU.EDU>, "e 2/28/2011 *
[EL] Articles or briefs defending the media-has-s Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 2/28/2011 *
[EL] DrawCongress.org nathaniel persily <nate@persily.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/01/2011  
[EL] Save the Date: Panel discussion on "Washingt Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] DrawCongress.org Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> nathaniel persily <nate@persily.com> 3/01/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Craig Holman' <holman@aol.com>, election-law@ma 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Crai 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> wmaurer@ij.org" <wmaurer@ij.org>, "sparnell@camp 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "wmaurer@ij. 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Craig Holman' <holman@aol.com>, john.k.tanner@g 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, john.k.tanner@gma 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, john.k.tanner@gma 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, john.k.tanner@gma 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Steve Klein' <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, 'Cra 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Scarberry, Mark'" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.ed 3/02/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/2/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 3/02/2011 *
[EL] Idaho primary election decision Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] Press Release: Story of Citizens United John White <white@lfa-law.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 3/02/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/3/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/03/2011 *
[EL] Indiana secretary of state indicted for vote Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/03/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/4/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/04/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/5/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/05/2011 *
[EL] At-large districts op-ed Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, election- 3/05/2011  
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Edward Still <still@votelaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed George Pillsbury <gpbury@earthlink.net> 'Rob Richie' <rr@fairvote.org>, 'Election Law' 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> gpbury@earthlink.net" <gpbury@earthlink.net>, 'R 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/06/2011  
[EL] NV redistricting lawsuit Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] NV redistricting lawsuit Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu>, Election L 3/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com>, Gaddie, R 3/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/7/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] At-large districts op-ed Karen Beckwith <karen.beckwith@case.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/07/2011 *
[EL] Alex Polikoff comments on "press" and Citize Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/07/2011 *
[EL] FYI: Reminder: "Washington's Lobbying Fix" e Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/8/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/08/2011 *
[EL] U.S. District Court decision on write-ins Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/08/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/9/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/08/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/10/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/10/2011 *
[EL] Fwd: Brennan Center releases Media Guide to Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/10/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/11/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/10/2011 *
[EL] Provisional Ballots Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots Kbrace <kbrace@aol.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, Electio 3/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots Ruth Greenwood <rgreenwood@fairelectionsnetwork.c Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 3/11/2011 *
[EL] History of the "media exemption" to campaign Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots Kbrace <kbrace@aol.com> Ruth Greenwood <rgreenwood@fairelectionsnetwork.c 3/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Provisional Ballots EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, meimar 3/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] queston about US Supreme Court procedure EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 3/12/2011 *
[EL] Post CU data as a "natural experiment" Mathew Manweller <manwellerm@cwu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Post CU data as a "natural experiment" Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Mathew Manweller <manwellerm@cwu.edu> 3/14/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/14/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/14/11 Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 3/14/2011 *
[EL] Obama cannot ignore FEC any longer Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/14/11 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> 3/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] Obama cannot ignore FEC any longer James Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] Obama cannot ignore FEC any longer Scott F. Bieniek" <sbieniek@bienieklaw.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/14/2011  
[EL] Electiionlawblog news and commentary 3/15/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electiionlawblog news and commentary 3/15/11 Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 3/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electiionlawblog news and commentary 3/15/11 Jim Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 3/15/2011 *
[EL] Election Law Journal 10:1 Now Available; Pre Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 3/16/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/16/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/16/2011 *
[EL] Calif. Redistricting Panel's Finalists for V Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/17/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/17/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] Calif. Redistricting Panel's Finalists for V Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/17/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/18/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/18/2011 *
[EL] Wisconsin collective bargaining law blocked Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] Calif. Redistricting Panel's Finalists for V Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Scarberry, Mark'" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.ed 3/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] U.S. PIRG is hiring for a Tax and Budget Adv Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/18/2011 *
[EL] CA Redistricting Commission hires Voting Rig Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/18/2011 *
[EL] Primary Elections Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/18/2011  
Re: [EL] CA Redistricting Commission hires Voting Rig Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, elec 3/18/2011 *
[EL] California Redistricting Commission Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/19/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/19/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/19/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/22/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/22/11 Bruce Cain <be.cain48@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 3/21/2011 *
[EL] CU Panel Discussion this Thursday at Georget Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/22/11 Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed 3/21/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/22/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/22/2011 *
[EL] new challenge to party contribution limits Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/22/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/23/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/22/2011 *
[EL] Thoughts on the Virginia Redistricting Compe Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/23/2011  
Re: [EL] Thoughts on the Virginia Redistricting Compe Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 3/23/2011  
[EL] Texas voter ID passes house, will it move to Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/23/2011  
Re: [EL] Texas voter ID passes house, will it move to Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/23/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ric 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 3/24/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/24/2011 *
[EL] Will Rick be better off at Irvine than at Lo Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Will Rick be better off at Irvine than at Lo Ken Mayer <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Reuben, Richard C." <ReubenR@missouri.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Bfadem1@aol.com" <Bfadem1@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/24/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/24/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/24/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/25/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/25/11 Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 3/25/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/26/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/26/11 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> 3/26/2011 *
[EL] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn Paul Johnston <j.paul.johnston@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/26/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/28/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/1/11 Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 3/28/2011  
[EL] McComish transcript Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] McComish transcript Paul Sherman <psherman@ij.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 3/28/2011 *
[EL] McComish and leveling the playing field Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] McComish and leveling the playing field Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 3/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] McComish and leveling the playing field Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 3/28/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/29/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/29/2011 *
[EL] more on McComish Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] more on McComish Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, 'Election Law' 3/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] more on McComish Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> mmalbin@cfinst.org" <mmalbin@cfinst.org>, Rick H 3/29/2011 *
[EL] hypothetical question on public funding Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] hypothetical question on public funding Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] more on McComish Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> 3/29/2011 *
[EL] California ballot labels lawsuit Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/30/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/30/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/30/2011 *
[EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Electi 3/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About John White <white@lfa-law.com> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com>, r 3/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 3/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie)" <BSvoboda@perkin John White <white@lfa-law.com>, Joseph Birkenstoc 3/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie)" <BSvoboda@perkin 3/30/2011  
Re: [EL] "Ornstein's Awards are Nothing to Brag About Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie)" <BSvoboda@perkin Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com>, John White < 3/30/2011  
[EL] Florida redistricting Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/30/2011 *
[EL] Trevor Potter on Colbert Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/30/2011 *
[EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 3/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Paul Lehto' <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 3/31/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/31/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 3/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Paul 3/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? James J. Sample" <James.J.Sample@hofstra.edu> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, Frank 3/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'James J. Sample'" <James.J.Sample@hofstra.edu>, 3/31/2011  
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> James J. Sample" <James.J.Sample@hofstra.edu> 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> James J. Sample" <James.J.Sample@hofstra.edu>, S 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Caperton rearing it's head in Wisconsin? James J. Sample" <James.J.Sample@hofstra.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Steve Kle 3/31/2011  
[EL] Federal court upholds Wisconsin judicial pub Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/31/2011 *
[EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 3/31/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/01/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/1/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/01/2011 *
[EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> 4/01/2011  
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> 4/01/2011  
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] Story on The Hill webpage about alleged voti Pitts, Michael Jude" <mjpitts@iupui.edu> Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com>, Estelle R 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com>, Paul Lehto 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/01/2011  
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Paul Lehto' <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, jon.roland@ 4/01/2011  
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Paul 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/01/2011  
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Paul 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/01/2011 *
[EL] Colorado non-citizen registration report Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/01/2011  
[EL] more news 4/1/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/01/2011 *
Re: [EL] WaPo op-ed on transparency Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/01/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/3/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/03/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/4/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] toobin Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/4/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Electi 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/4/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Bill Maurer' <wmaurer@ij.org>, rhasen@law.uci.e 4/04/2011 *
[EL] "The Freedom . . . of the Press, " from 1791 Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] "The Freedom . . . of the Press, " from 1791 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> 4/04/2011 *
[EL] could someone post that link again to the Ap Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/4/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, "elect 4/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] Freedom for the Press as an Industry, or the Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/04/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Alex DeMots <ademots@americanprogress.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law < 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Alex DeMots <ademots@americanprogress.org>, Rick 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] David Callahan seeks disclosure of (some) 50 John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Scott Bieniek <sbieniek@bienieklaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] David Callahan seeks disclosure of (some) 50 Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] David Callahan seeks disclosure of (some) 50 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'John Pomeranz' <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com>, 'El 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> ademots@americanprogress.org" <ademots@americanp 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] David Callahan seeks disclosure of (some) 50 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org>, Election Law 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "ademots@ame 4/05/2011 *
[EL] The President's reelection campaign announce Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> Scott Bieniek <sbieniek@bienieklaw.com>, electio 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Jason Rylander < 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Jason Rylander < 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Scott F. Bieniek" <sbieniek@bienieklaw.com> Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Jonathan Adler < 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org>, JBoppjr@aol.com" < 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/05/2011  
[EL] What to attach to ID laws Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws KRISTEN CLARKE <KCLARKE@NAACPLDF.ORG> douglasrhess@gmail.com" <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/5/11 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, "lehto 4/05/2011 *
[EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/05/2011  
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Aaron Ament <aaronsament@gmail.com> Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> 4/05/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Kenneth R. Mayer" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Josh Douglas 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race David Canon <dcanon@polisci.wisc.edu> kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.ed 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Aaron Ament <aaronsament@gmail.com> Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> KRISTEN CLARKE <KCLARKE@naacpldf.org> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Paul Lehto' <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, jon.roland@ 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/06/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/6/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/06/2011 *
[EL] Anonymity, accountability, and blacklists Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com>, Sean Pa 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> paul.gronke@gmail.com" <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu>, election 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] What to attach to ID laws Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/06/2011  
[EL] Wisconsin/more news Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news Kenneth R. Mayer" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Electi 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Paul Sherman <psherman@ij.org> David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu>, Jerald Lentini 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011  
[EL] More Wisconsin, etc. Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Kenneth R. Mayer" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org>, election-la 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.ed 4/06/2011  
[EL] Anonymity and free speech Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/06/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, "elect 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu" <kmayer@polisci.wisc.ed 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'David Epstein' <de11@columbia.edu>, 'Jerald Lent 4/07/2011 *
[EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, JBoppjr@aol.c 4/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/7/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Trevor Potter' <tpotter@capdale.com>, 'Volokh, 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity and harassment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean John White <white@lfa-law.com> Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com>, Volokh, Eug 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean dasmith <dasmith@ufl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] nailbiter in Wisconsin Supreme Court race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> 4/07/2011  
[EL] Sorry: Correction -- RE: The limits of "anti Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011  
[EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - J rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011  
[EL] Wisc Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/07/2011 *
[EL] Wisconsin update Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin update Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin update Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin update Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, electio 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, election-law@ 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin update Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Larry Lev 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Larry Lev 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisc Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisc Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, " 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org>, Lowenstein, 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org>, election-law 4/07/2011  
[EL] A hypo about a different kind of electoral c Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] A hypo about a different kind of electoral c Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisc Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/07/2011  
Re: [EL] A hypo about a different kind of electoral c Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] A different kind of electoral college ... Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> conlawprof@lists.ucla.edu" <conlawprof@lists.ucl 4/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] The limits of "anti-harassment laws" as mean JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> dasmith@ufl.edu" <dasmith@ufl.edu>, "election-la 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] A hypo about a different kind of electoral c Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> bev@blackboxvoting.org" <bev@blackboxvoting.org> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] A hypo about a different kind of electoral c Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> 4/08/2011 *
[EL] E-mails Audra Wassom <awassom@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "bev@blackbo 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "bev@blackbo 4/08/2011 *
[EL] The Nation columnist demands impouning of al Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
[EL] National Popular Vote Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] E-mails Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Audra Wassom <awassom@yahoo.com> 4/08/2011  
[EL] Wisconsin Prescience Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011  
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/08/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, "bev@b 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu>, election-l 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] The Nation columnist demands impouning of al JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> 4/08/2011  
Re: [EL] The Nation columnist demands impouning of al Jeff Hauser <jeffhauser@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin/more news Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/08/2011  
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Ken Mayer <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> 'Candice Hoke' <shoke@law.csuohio.edu>, election 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Scott F. Bieniek" <sbieniek@bienieklaw.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] The Nation columnist demands impounding of a Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> Ken Mayer <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] The Nation columnist demands impouning of al JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jeffhauser@gmail.com" <jeffhauser@gmail.com> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Ken Mayer <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> 'Candice Hoke' <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Latest vote counts give edge to Prosser - JS Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/08/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/8/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutional / Legal / Political Equality Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutional / Legal / Political Equality Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Steve 4/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutional / Legal / Political Equality Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> 4/09/2011  
[EL] FREE SPEECH/FREE ASSOCIATION: WHAT'S IN A N Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011  
Re: [EL] FREE SPEECH/FREE ASSOCIATION: WHAT'S IN A N Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> 4/09/2011  
[EL] Banning political parties Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> oregon.properties@yahoo.com" <oregon.properties@ 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011  
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 'mmcdon@gmu.edu'" <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, "'election-l 4/09/2011  
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> mmcdon@gmu.edu" <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, "election-law@ 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties dasmith <dasmith@ufl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com>, 4/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] The Nation columnist demands impouning of al JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "richardwing 4/10/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawbllog news and commentary 4/11/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Maceda, Cliff" <cmaceda_CONTRACTOR@ap.org> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com>, 4/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawbllog news and commentary 4/11/11 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Banning political parties Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com>, 4/11/2011 *
[EL] Calif. bill would require badge for voluntee Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/11/2011 *
[EL] Sixth Circuit case/more news Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/11/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/12/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/12/2011 *
[EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/12/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 4/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/13/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 4/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/13/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> mmcdon@gmu.edu" <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, "election-law@ 4/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Milyo, Jeffrey D." <milyoj@missouri.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/13/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/13/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/13/2011 *
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/13/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/13/2011  
Re: [EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges shou Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 4/13/2011  
[EL] Only 22% of Americans think most judges sho Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/13/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/14/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/14/2011 *
[EL] more on EAC/FEC Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/14/2011 *
Re: [EL] more on EAC/FEC Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/14/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/15/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/14/2011 *
[EL] Potter/Colbert Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rhasen@law.uci.edu" <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, "elect 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert Trevor Potter <tpotter@capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rhasen@law. 4/15/2011  
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011  
[EL] Does Arizona Birth Certificate bill violate Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Does Arizona Birth Certificate bill violate Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Does Arizona Birth Certificate bill violate Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Does Arizona Birth Certificate bill violate Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011  
[EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, election-law-bounc 4/15/2011  
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sendingba Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 4/15/2011  
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Jenny Flanagan <JFlanagan@CommonCause.org> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Jenny Flanagan <JFlanagan@commoncause.org> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Jenny Flanagan <JFlanagan@CommonCause.org> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Potter/Colbert Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/15/2011 *
[EL] more news 4/15/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011 *
[EL] Virginia, we have a veto Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011  
[EL] Sore loser laws and their impact on "moderat Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011 *
[EL] Wisconsin Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Wisconsin Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org>, Rick Hasen 4/15/2011 *
Re: [EL] Query about all-mail election only sending b Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/15/2011  
Re: [EL] Wisconsin Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 4/15/2011  
[EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 4/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rr@fairvote.org" <rr@fairvote.org>, "mmcdon@gmu. 4/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 4/16/2011 *
Re: [EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/17/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/18/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/17/2011 *
Re: [EL] seeking ideas about US Supreme Court behavio John Morris <jmorris-lists@cdt.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/18/2011  
[EL] Fwd: Reminder: Two Upcoming Events on Money Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 4/18/2011 *
Re: [EL] Perhaps Gov. McDonnell wants a fair plan for Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 4/18/2011 *
[EL] Arizona veto Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/18/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/19/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/19/11 Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/19/2011 *
[EL] Florida ballot access developement Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/19/11 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> 4/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/19/11 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/19/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/19/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/19/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/20/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/19/2011 *
[EL] Election Day Registration suit filed in New Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, Election Law 4/20/2011 *
[EL] stay denied in Hunter/more news Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/20/2011 *
[EL] Wisconsin/still more news Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/20/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/21/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/21/2011 *
[EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Stephen Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 4/21/2011 *
[EL] CPS November voting data available Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Stephen Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, Sca 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org>, Sm 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org>, Bil 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/21/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, David Don 4/21/2011  
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/21/2011  
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/21/2011  
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" David Levine <davidalanlevine@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/22/2011 *
[EL] giving incentives to turnout to vote Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> david.alan.levine@gmail.com" <david.alan.levine@ 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] giving incentives to turnout to vote Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com>, election-law 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] giving incentives to turnout to vote Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'election-law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/22/2011  
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com>, 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] giving incentives to turnout to vote Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Daniel Sc 4/22/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/22/11 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/22/2011 *
[EL] corrected post on Nevada/Ensign Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/22/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 4/23/2011  
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> lehto.paul@gmail.com" <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, "B 4/23/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com>, 4/23/2011 *
[EL] Bribery or extortion? Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/23/2011 *
Re: [EL] Bribery or extortion? Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/23/2011 *
Re: [EL] Pay to Play or "No Pay to Play" Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 4/23/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/25/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/25/2011 *
Re: [EL] Job Opening with ABA Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/25/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/26/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/25/2011 *
[EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 4/26/2011  
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Even, Jeff (ATG)" <JeffE@ATG.WA.GOV> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, " 4/26/2011  
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/27/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/26/2011 *
[EL] Corporate Internal Affairs Doctrine and the Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/26/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/26/2011 *
[EL] martson/yoo corrected link Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/27/2011 *
Re: [EL] what do people understand this sentence to m Hugh L. Brady" <brady@bradylawyer.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/27/2011 *
[EL] thanks to everybody who chimed in on the mea Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/27/2011 *
[EL] Calendar Year James Woodruff <jwoodruff@fcsl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/27/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/28/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/27/2011 *
[EL] does anyone know why Hamilton Co Ohio still Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/28/2011 *
Re: [EL] does anyone know why Hamilton Co Ohio still Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/28/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/29/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/29/2011 *
[EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US David Levine <davidalanlevine@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> david.alan.levine@gmail.com" <david.alan.levine@ 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, dav 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'David Donnelly' <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org>, 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org>, Sea 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Steven rosenfeld <srose14@earthlink.net> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Steven rosenfeld <srose14@earthlink.net>, David D 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Bill Maurer' <wmaurer@ij.org>, 'Steven rosenfeld 4/29/2011 *
[EL] Brennan Center live stream campaign finance Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/29/2011  
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, David D 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 4/29/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com>, "ele 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com>, "ele 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> David A. Holtzman" <David@holtzmanlaw.com>, "ele 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, richar 4/30/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/30/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, David 4/30/2011 *
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, "David A. 4/30/2011  
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 4/30/2011  
[EL] "Columbia Law School draws new California co Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 4/30/2011 *
[EL] The next conspiracy Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/02/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/2/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Larry Levine' <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, 'elec 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] election-law Digest, Vol 44, Issue 1 Mullins, Brody" <Brody.Mullins@wsj.com> 'election-law@mailman.lls.edu'" <election-law@ma 5/02/2011  
Re: [EL] interesting question regarding Priorities US Josiah Neeley <jneeley@bopplaw.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, Bill Maurer 5/02/2011  
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, electio 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, election- 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> larrylevine@earthlink.net" <larrylevine@earthlin 5/02/2011 *
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> larrylevine@earthlink.net" <larrylevine@earthlin 5/02/2011  
Re: [EL] The next conspiracy Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "BSmith@law. 5/02/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/3/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/03/2011 *
[EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/03/2011  
Re: [EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Joseph Lorenzo Hall' <joehall@gmail.com>, elect 5/03/2011  
Re: [EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 5/03/2011  
Re: [EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Kim <kbrace@aol.com> joehall@gmail.com" <joehall@gmail.com>, "sparnel 5/03/2011 *
[EL] FYI on "Richie's Democracy Minute" feature a Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/03/2011 *
Re: [EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Maceda, Cliff" <cmaceda_CONTRACTOR@ap.org> Kim <kbrace@aol.com>, joehall@gmail.com" 5/03/2011 *
[EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/03/2011 *
Re: [EL] Federal Postcard Application and race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Kim <kbrace@aol.com> 5/03/2011  
[EL] variation in ID numbers and voter registrati Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/03/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/4/11 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] variation in ID numbers and voter registrati Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 5/04/2011 *
Re: [EL] variation in ID numbers and voter registrati Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> Estelle Rogers <erogers@projectvote.org> 5/04/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/04/2011 *
[EL] more news 5/5/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/05/2011 *
[EL] When Capitalists Need Socialist Workers Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/06/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/6/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/06/2011 *
[EL] As AV loses in UK, a plea to dump "first pas Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/06/2011 *
[EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/06/2011  
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/06/2011 *
[EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m Ben Smith <benpolitico@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/06/2011  
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com>, "ele 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, electi 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com>, "ele 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/06/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> David@holtzmanlaw.com" <David@holtzmanlaw.com>, 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, JBoppjr@aol.com" < 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 5/07/2011  
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Scarberry, Mark" < 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/07/2011  
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> 5/07/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum David A. Holtzman" <David@HoltzmanLaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/07/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/9/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/08/2011 *
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Josiah Neeley <jneeley@bopplaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/09/2011  
Re: [EL] a "thumping" in the U.K. AV referendum Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Josiah Neeley <jneeley@bopplaw.com> 5/09/2011 *
[EL] message from Joel Gora v. Buckley and Disclo Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] message from Joel Gora v. Buckley and Disclo Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> RYAN HAYGOOD <rhaygood@naacpldf.org> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] message from Joel Gora v. Buckley and Disclo Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com>, joel.gora 5/09/2011  
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] message from Joel Gora v. Buckley and Disclo Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/09/2011 *
[EL] Message from Christian Grose Re: SC Dem Chai Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Christian Grose <cgrose@college.usc.edu> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] SC Dem Chairman: 'Rationale for these huge m Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 5/09/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/09/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Jurisdictions in the United States that cond Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Jurisdictions in the United States that cond Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Kim <kbrace@aol.com> joehall@gmail.com" <joehall@gmail.com>, "electio 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Kim <kbrace@aol.com> 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Kim <kbrace@aol.com> rr@fairvote.org" <rr@fairvote.org>, "john.k.tann 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Kim Brace <kbrace@aol.com>, rr@fairvote.org" 5/10/2011 *
[EL] Public elections not conducted by public off Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/10/11 Maceda, Cliff" <cmaceda_CONTRACTOR@ap.org> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 5/10/2011 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/10/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu>, Election Law 5/11/2011 *
[EL] Important information on migration of electi Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Legi 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations John White <white@lfa-law.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> John White <white@lfa-law.com> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations John White <white@lfa-law.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> 5/11/2011 *
[EL] Lloyd; hiring, tenure, promotion, lateral mo Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Taxing donations to 501(c)(4) organizations Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> John White <white@lfa-law.com>, jon.roland@const 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> 5/11/2011  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/11/11 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutionality of applying gift tax to c4 BZall@aol.com" <BZall@aol.com> Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu" <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu>, "b 5/11/2011 *
[EL] Advisory referenda Edelman, Paul" <paul.edelman@law.vanderbilt.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutionality of applying gift tax to c4 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> BZall@aol.com" <BZall@aol.com> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Important information on migration of electi Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Legi 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutionality of applying gift tax to c4 DONALD TOBIN <tobin.46@osu.edu> Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> 5/11/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutionality of applying gift tax to c4 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 5/11/2011 *
[EL] data on states, HAVA requirements, and the S Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/12/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/12/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Constitutionality of applying gift tax to c4 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] data on states, HAVA requirements, and the S Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 5/12/2011  
[EL] "Political Insider Campaign funds are seizab Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] "Political Insider Campaign funds are seizab Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Welcome to the "Law-election" mailing list law-election-request@department-lists.uci.edu" < Benjamin Forest, Prof." <benjamin.forest@mcgill. 5/12/2011  
[EL] (no subject) Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 'law-election@department-lists.uci.edu'" <law-el 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Important information on migration of electi Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@department-lists.uci.edu" <law-elec 5/12/2011 *
[EL] Political Insider Campaign funds are seizabl Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> law-election@department-lists.uci.edu" <law-elec 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Political Insider Campaign funds are seizabl David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 5/12/2011 *
[EL] a shortcut: Law-election@uci.edu Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Political Insider Campaign funds are seizabl Beth Kingsley <bkingsley@harmoncurran.com> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com>, Scarberry, Mar 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] data on states, HAVA requirements, and the S Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011 *
[EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Rick Hasen' <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, law-election@ 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer Torres-Spelliscy, Ciara" <TorresC@exchange.law.n Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu>, law-election@uc 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer Ben Sheffner <ben.sheffner@gmail.com> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, 5/12/2011 *
[EL] Ensign report Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu>, "l 5/12/2011 *
[EL] "I.R.S. Begins Enforcing Rule on Gifts to Po Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Ben Sheffner <ben.sheffner@gmail.com> 5/12/2011 *
Re: [EL] Cybersquatting/Issa-Wertheimer Matthew Sanderson <matthew.t.sanderson@gmail.com> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> 5/12/2011 *
[EL] IRS statement on c4s Ben Smith <benpolitico@gmail.com> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 5/13/11 Rick Hasen <rhasen@law.uci.edu> law-election@uci.edu" <law-election@uci.edu> 5/12/2011 *