Election-Law Listserv Archive (2010)

Re: [EL] Coates/DISCLOSE Act Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Coates/DISCLOSE Act Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Craig Holman' <holman@aol.com>, election-law@ma 9/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Coates/DISCLOSE Act Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 9/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Coates/DISCLOSE Act Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> 9/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Justice Breyer's new book & election law Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> George Waters <George.Waters@doj.ca.gov> 9/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Justice Breyer's new book & election law Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 9/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Justice Breyer's new book & election law Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Justice Breyer's new book & election law john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, election-law- 9/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Justice Breyer's new book & election law Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 9/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Check out FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Help Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Help Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com>, JBoppj 9/25/2010 *
[EL] FW: Voter Fraud in Houston Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/25/2010  
[EL] Coates on race-neutral DOJ Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/25/2010 *
[EL] message from Justin Levitt: Check out FOXNew Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/25/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/25/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/25/2010 *
[EL] anti-Peter DeFazio TV ad Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jonathanhsinger@gmail.com" <jonathanhsinger@gmai 9/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Help JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jasonrylander@gmail.com" <jasonrylander@gmail.co 9/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Help JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> LarryLevine@earthlink.net" <LarryLevine@earthlin 9/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b RuthAlice Anderson <rutha@wscpdx.org> Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com> 9/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> RuthAlice Anderson <rutha@wscpdx.org> 9/26/2010  
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com>, ele 9/26/2010  
[EL] Shameless but also prideful self-promotion. Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/27/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/27/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/27/2010 *
[EL] Corporate political purity pledges John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Jonathan Singer <jonathanhsinger@gmail.com>, JBo 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Smith, Brad'" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, 'Jonath 9/27/2010 *
[EL] listserv tone Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who isbe Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, Brad Smith < 9/27/2010  
Re: [EL] Public Response to Bush v. Gore Henry E. Brady" <hbrady@berkeley.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out who is b Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 9/27/2010  
Re: [EL] Public Response to Bush v. Gore Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Henry E. Brady" <hbrady@berkeley.edu> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public Response to Bush v. Gore Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out DeFazio tries to find out whoisbeh Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> 9/27/2010  
Re: [EL] question about McComish v Bennett Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 9/27/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Kelner, Robert" <rkelner@cov.com> 'rick.hasen@lls.edu'" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "'el 9/28/2010 *
[EL] GOP groups overwhelms Dems - or do they? Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Kelner, Robert" <rkelner@cov.com>, "'election-la 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 9/28/2010 *
[EL] New Publication Date Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> lehto.paul@gmail.com" <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] question about McComish v Bennett Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "richa 9/28/2010 *
[EL] Ad buyin' and drug dealin' Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "lehto.paul@ 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com>, JBoppjr@aol.com" 9/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, " 9/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> 9/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/28/2010  
[EL] question on lobbyist bundling reports Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> TP@Capdale.com" <TP@Capdale.com>, "lehto.paul@gm 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> TP@Capdale.com" <TP@Capdale.com>, "lowenstein@la 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> lehto.paul@gmail.com" <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 9/28/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/29/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "lehto.paul@ 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/29/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie)" <BSvoboda@perkin Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu>, JBoppjr@aol.com" 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Paul Leht 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie)" <BSvoboda@perkin 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Paul Leht 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/29/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 9/29/2010 *
[EL] listserv tone Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> JMB@Capdale.com" <JMB@Capdale.com>, "BSvoboda@pe 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/28/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] listserv tone Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] listserv tone JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] listserv tone Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] listserv tone Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 9/29/2010 *
[EL] NY -1 FL +2 TX +3 MO -1 MN +0 Michael P McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 9/29/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 9/30/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] OR, WA, NY, AZ, FL, CA, TX, MO, MN, OH and m Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Michael P McDonald' <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, election- 9/30/2010  
[EL] Baucus to probe political spending Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 9/30/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/1/10 DANIEL TOKAJI <tokaji.1@osu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/01/2010 *
[EL] Conferences Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 'DANIEL TOKAJI' <tokaji.1@osu.edu>, Election Law 10/01/2010 *
[EL] Apportionment Analysis critique Kbrace <kbrace@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/01/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/2/10 DANIEL TOKAJI <tokaji.1@osu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/02/2010 *
[EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
[EL] Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "BSmith@law. 10/02/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> TP@Capdale.com" <TP@Capdale.com>, "BSmith@law.ca 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/02/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United John White <white@lfa-law.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Daniel Ab 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu>, "Smith, Br 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Daniel Abramson <danielkabramson@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/02/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/03/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/03/2010 *
[EL] Congressional Redistricting Forecast Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/03/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, election 10/03/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/4/10 DANIEL TOKAJI <tokaji.1@osu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/04/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/04/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/04/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu>, election 10/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Winkler, Adam" <winkler@law.ucla.edu> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 10/04/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/04/2010  
[EL] Speech v. press (was: Floyd Abrams & Citizen Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 10/05/2010 *
[EL] Floyd Abrams and Citizens United Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> rick hasen <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/05/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/5/10 DANIEL TOKAJI <tokaji.1@osu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/05/2010 *
[EL] Research Question Zachary Kester <zkester@bopplaw.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/05/2010 *
[EL] Rasmussen polls Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/5/10 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> DANIEL TOKAJI <tokaji.1@osu.edu>, Election Law 10/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/5/10 Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 10/05/2010 *
[EL] U.S. Chamber and foreign influence questions Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] U.S. Chamber and foreign influence questions Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org>, Election 10/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Floyd Abrams & Citzens United Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> rcbozian@hotmail.com" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> 10/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Floyd Abrams and Citizens United JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rcbozian@hotmail.com" <rcbozian@hotmail.com>, "e 10/05/2010 *
[EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/05/2010  
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> jon.roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> 10/06/2010  
[EL] Fw: David Jefferson responds: Halderman on " Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Fw: David Jefferson responds: Halderman on " Candice Hoke <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Federal Ad without candidate disclaimer Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Federal Ad without candidate disclaimer Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.edu> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 10/06/2010 *
[EL] DCBOEE Lessons Learned from Digital Vote by Alysoun McLaughlin <AMcLaughlin@dcboee.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/06/2010 *
[EL] Case law on use of office, official resource Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/06/2010  
Re: [EL] DCBOEE Lessons Learned from Digital Vote by Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Alysoun McLaughlin <AMcLaughlin@dcboee.org> 10/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Case law on use of office, official resource Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Case law on use of office, official resource Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> 10/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Case law on use of office, official resource Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> jgard@buffalo.edu" <jgard@buffalo.edu>, "electio 10/06/2010  
[EL] new data contradicts convention wisdom about Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/07/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/7/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Halderman on "Hacking the D.C. Internet Voti Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Dan Meek <dan@meek.net> 10/07/2010 *
[EL] CCP Responds to Crossroads GPS and U.S. Cham dasmith <dasmith@ufl.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] CCP Responds to Crossroads GPS and U.S. Cham Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
[EL] Sen. McConnell not protective enough of the Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
[EL] 9th Circuit en banc felon disenfranchisement Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] 9th Circuit en banc felon disenfranchisement Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] CCP Responds to Crossroads GPS and U.S. Cham rlenhard@comcast.net" <rlenhard@comcast.net> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/08/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/8/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] 9th Circuit en banc felon disenfranchisement Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, Rick Hasen 10/08/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/8/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
[EL] disclosure and the Chamber Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 10/08/2010 *
[EL] FW: disclosure and the Chamber Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
[EL] FW: FW: disclosure and the Chamber Richard C. Bozian" <rcbozian@hotmail.com> rick hasen <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
[EL] Bopp emergency stay request/more news Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Alliso 10/08/2010  
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign 10/08/2010  
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, rick. 10/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign 10/09/2010 *
Re: [EL] disclosure and the Chamber Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/09/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/9/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/09/2010 *
[EL] Brown v Socialist Workers '74 Campaign Commi Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Allison Hayward 10/09/2010 *
Re: [EL] 9th Circuit en banc felon disenfranchisement Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> 10/09/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/10/2010 *
[EL] Foreign Money Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Foreign Money David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Foreign Money Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, "election 10/11/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/11/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Foreign Money Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, David Donnelly < 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Foreign Money Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> 10/11/2010 *
[EL] Early Voting Stats Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> oregon.properties@yahoo.com" <oregon.properties@ 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Early Voting Stats Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> oregon.properties@yahoo.com" <oregon.properties@ 10/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/10/10 Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "oregon.prop 10/11/2010 *
[EL] Query about state laws governing recounts Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/12/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/12/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/12/2010 *
[EL] Breaking News: Supreme Court, Without Commen Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/12/2010 *
[EL] more new 10/12/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] more new 10/12/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] more new 10/12/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 10/12/2010 *
[EL] 501(c)(4), (6) electioneering communication rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/12/2010  
Re: [EL] 501(c)(4), (6) electioneering communication Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Rick.Hasen@lls.edu" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/13/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
[EL] Breaking news: Maine/MOVE Act Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 10/13/2010  
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Justin Levitt' <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, 'Electio 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Allison Hayward 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 10/13/2010 *
[EL] CourtListener... Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010  
[EL] Party Registration Statistics Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] Party Registration Statistics Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] Registration Statistics Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
[EL] a quibble about Prof. McDonald's voter regis Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/13/2010 *
[EL] Now Prof. McDonald says I am an ass Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/13/2010 *
[EL] Recounts Rosemarie Clouston <rclouston@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] a quibble about Prof. McDonald's voter regis Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/13/2010 *
[EL] I apologize to Professor McDonald Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Smith, Brad'" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, 'Electi 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] [POSSIBLE SPAM] RE: "Just Wondering Depart Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.EDU> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com>, Smith, Bra 10/14/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/14/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] [POSSIBLE SPAM] RE: "Just Wondering Depart Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
[EL] Attached Release Based on Final Pimary Data Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
[EL] One minor change on the release Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Just Wondering Department" Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@capdale.com>, Smith, Bra 10/14/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: The Forum -- New Issue Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reducing Congressional representation due to Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reducing Congressional representation due to Candice S. Hoke" <shoke@law.csuohio.edu> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reducing Congressional representation due to Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Candice S. Hoke" <shoke@law.csuohio.edu>, Justin 10/14/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/14/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Early Voting Off to a Fast Start in Democra Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reducing Congressional representation due to Kirsten Nussbaumer <knussba1@slu.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Early Voting Off to a Fast Start in Democra Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Early Voting Off to a Fast Start in Democra Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/15/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Early Voting Off to a Fast Start in Democra Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/15/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Law Election 10/15/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/15/10 ellen.aprill@lls.edu" <ellen.aprill@lls.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ele 10/15/2010  
[EL] more news 10/15/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Independent Spending Dwarfs Party Spending Ray French <ray.french@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Independent Spending Dwarfs Party Spending Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Ray French <ray.french@yahoo.com>, Election Law < 10/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Independent Spending Dwarfs Party Spending Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Ray French <ray.french@yahoo.com>, Election Law < 10/16/2010  
[EL] arrest of Green Party gub. nominee at Cal. d Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/16/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/16/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/16/2010 *
Re: [EL] Independent Spending Dwarfs Party Spending Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> 10/16/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Early Voting Off to a Fast Start in Democra Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/16/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/17/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/17/2010 *
[EL] SCOTUS study Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> rick hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 10/17/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/18/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/18/2010 *
[EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 10/18/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/19/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/19/10 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "BSmith@law. 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "BSmith@law. 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ele 10/19/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/19/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> lehto.paul@gmail.com" <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 10/19/2010  
[EL] Research query on the character of independe Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
[EL] still more news 10/19/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 10/19/2010  
[EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Lati Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'David Epstein' <de11@columbia.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rick Hasen' <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Jeff Patch 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu" <antoine.yoshinaka@uc 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Jeff Patch 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu" <antoine.yoshinaka@uc 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/19/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu" <antoine.yoshinaka@uc 10/20/2010  
[EL] Compulsory voting Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/20/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin jboppjr@aol.com" <jboppjr@aol.com> mmcdon@gmu.edu" <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, "election-law@ 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> jboppjr@aol.com" <jboppjr@aol.com> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> jboppjr@aol.com" <jboppjr@aol.com> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Guy-Uriel Charles <Charles@law.duke.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Guy-Uriel Charles <Charles@law.duke.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Rick Hasen' <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, jboppjr@aol.c 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com>, jboppjr@a 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Kbrace <kbrace@aol.com> Jerald Lentini <jerald.lentini@yahoo.com>, John T 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 10/19/10 -DISCLOSURE Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] Comprehensive Map of US Voting Equipment Rel Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Kbrace <kbrace@aol.com> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, jboppjr@aol.com 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Public attitudes to SCOTUS Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] polling on Prop. 20 and 27 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 10/20/2010  
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 10/19/10 -DISCLOSURE Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/20/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Latin Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Compulsory voting Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] Latinos for Voter Suppression of Other Lati Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/20/2010 *
[EL] Polling data on non-registered eligible vote Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 10/20/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/21/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Justice Kennedy, DISCLOSE-- and on to the St Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 10/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Justice Kennedy, DISCLOSE-- and on to the St Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Justice Kennedy, DISCLOSE-- and on to the St Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu>, Rick 10/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Justice Kennedy, DISCLOSE-- and on to the St Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com>, Rick Hasen 10/21/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: A flood of outside spending, BP campaig Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/21/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/21/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/21/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/22/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
[EL] Georgia Early Voting Numbers Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/22/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/22/10 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/22/10 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010  
[EL] more news 10/22/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: Federal Election Commission Recent News Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Ben Smith on IE reporting John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/22/10 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010  
[EL] Breaking News (Maine)/still more news Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Ben Smith on IE reporting Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> 10/22/2010  
[EL] Illinois settlement over military ballots Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/23/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/23/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/23/2010 *
[EL] Illinois military ballot issue, from Electi Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/23/2010 *
[EL] Rick's entry - "Seeking Edge on G.O.P., Demo Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rick's entry - "Seeking Edge on G.O.P., Demo Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 10/24/2010  
[EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net>, Electio 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Election Law 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net>, Scarbe 10/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only sparnell@campaignfreedom.org" <sparnell@campaign Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net>, Scarbe 10/24/2010  
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/24/2010  
[EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/24/2010 *
[EL] Query re fixed terms in US history Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Paul Gronke' <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, 'Scarberr 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/25/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Paul Gronke' <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, 'Michael M 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Republicans got sigs for Nader in 2004 only Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Nate Silver on early voting stats Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Law Election <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010 *
[EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Not Nevada's NOTA but SSWW --Disclosure and Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Elec 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, richardwinger@y 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com> Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> 10/25/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/25/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Jamin Raskin <raskin@wcl.american.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> raskin@wcl.american.edu" <raskin@wcl.american.ed 10/25/2010 *
[EL] $20k reward offered for info leading to conv Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Ron <rdmcubs@aol.com> Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq@gmail.com>, Bill M 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] WWE merchandise at Connecticut polls Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] Query re fixed terms in US history Kirsten Nussbaumer <knussba1@slu.edu> Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> 10/25/2010 *
Re: [EL] $20k reward offered for info leading to conv Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> 10/25/2010  
[EL] A Timely Book RuthAlice Anderson <ruthalice.anderson@comcast.ne Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Voter being referred to District Attorney fo Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/25/2010  
Re: [EL] Voter being referred to District Attorney fo Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/26/2010  
Re: [EL] Query re fixed terms in US history Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> Kirsten Nussbaumer <knussba1@slu.edu> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Query re fixed terms in US history Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voter being referred to District Attorney fo Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010  
[EL] Citizens United question EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voter being referred to District Attorney fo Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/26/2010  
[EL] FPPC Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/26/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/26/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
[EL] Ninth Circuit decision in Gonzalez v. Arizon Jon Greenbaum <jgreenbaum@lawyerscommittee.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/26/2010 *
[EL] Calif State Ct of Appeals decision on presid Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Not Nevada's NOTA but SSWW --Disclosure and Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Roy Schotland' <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu>, 'E 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Ninth Circuit decision in Gonzalez v. Arizon Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Jon Greenbaum <jgreenbaum@lawyerscommittee.org> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Citizens United question Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'EDWARD FOLEY' <foley.33@osu.edu>, 'Rick Hasen' < 10/26/2010 *
[EL] Alaska Question Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska Question jttarizona@aol.com" <jttarizona@aol.com> Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com>, "election-la 10/26/2010  
[EL] Common Cause Investigates ‘The Man Behind Ou Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/25/10 Kirsten Nussbaumer <knussba1@slu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
[EL] Ninth Circuit decision on Arizona proof of c Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voter being referred to District Attorney fo Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/26/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/27/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/26/2010 *
[EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Frank Askin <faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010  
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> faskin@kinoy.rutgers.edu" <faskin@kinoy.rutgers. 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C BZall@aol.com" <BZall@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
[EL] more news 10/27/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
[EL] Florida elected official arrested for absent Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, 'Election Law' 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/27/2010 *
[EL] "Voter Rights Attorney" James Woodruff <jwoodruff@fcsl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010  
[EL] Election law listserv Frank Strickland <fbs@sbllaw.net> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C RuthAlice Anderson <ruthalice.anderson@comcast.ne Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> 10/27/2010  
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
[EL] Election fraud (not voter fraud) NV touch sc Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, jon 10/27/2010  
[EL] The Great Debate David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
[EL] The Great Debate/typo corrected David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/27/2010 *
[EL] info request Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
[EL] Sixth Circuit Upholds TN Felon Voting Statut Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Sixth Circuit Upholds TN Felon Voting Statut Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Jason C. Miller'" <jcmiller@gmail.com>, 'Electi 10/28/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/28/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] BOOK: The Myth of Voter Fraud, by Lorraine C Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Sixth Circuit Upholds TN Felon Voting Statut Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, 10/28/2010 *
[EL] Alaska: Electionlawblog news and commentary EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
[EL] amount of undisclosed money jure.toplak@uni-mb.si" <jure.toplak@uni-mb.si> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska: Electionlawblog news and commentary Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska: Electionlawblog news and commentary John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
[EL] Alaska Richard S Katz <richard.katz@jhu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska Frank Strickland <fbs@sbllaw.net> Richard S Katz <richard.katz@jhu.edu>, election- 10/28/2010  
[EL] correction to item posted earlier today Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 10/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Allison Hayward' <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 10/28/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, Alli 10/28/2010  
[EL] more news 10/28/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 10/28/10 Zachary Kester <zkester@bopplaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/28/2010 *
[EL] FW: MOVE act and military voting Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/29/2010  
[EL] more news 10/29/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 10/29/10 Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 10/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 10/29/2010 *
[EL] MOVE act and military voting Spencer Overton <soverton@law.gwu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 10/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
[EL] problems sending out my news today Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer nate@persily.com" <nate@persily.com> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, Elect 10/29/2010  
Re: [EL] more news 10/29/10 Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
[EL] test post Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010  
[EL] third test post Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
[EL] seventh test post Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/29/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Tom Brunell <tlb056000@utdallas.edu> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 10/29/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/30/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, 'Election Law' 10/30/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/30/2010  
Re: [EL] seventh test post JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] seventh test post Jim Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] seventh test post Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "election-la 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] seventh test post Jason Torchinsky <jtorchinsky@holtzmanlaw.net> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Antoine Yoshinaka <antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu>, 'Election Law' 10/30/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting answer Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> antoine.yoshinaka@ucr.edu" <antoine.yoshinaka@uc 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] seventh test post - better yet Bev Harris <bev@blackboxvoting.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 10/30/2010  
[EL] Fwd: The Lacy - Bopp vote Dossier Jim Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "election-la 10/30/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Lacy - Bopp vote Dossier JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> wewerlacy@aol.com" <wewerlacy@aol.com>, "electio 10/31/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/1/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 10/31/2010 *
[EL] Breaking News: Cert Denied in SpeechNow Case Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
[EL] 2010 turnout and early vote forecasts Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/1/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
[EL] more news II 11/1/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
[EL] list of key elections to watch Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 11/01/2010 *
[EL] Alaska preclearance suit/Bopp report Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska preclearance suit/Bopp report Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, JBoppjr@aol.com 11/01/2010  
[EL] Alaska mooted/more news III Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] list of key elections to watch Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 11/01/2010  
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/01/2010  
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Jim Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Trevor Potter <TP@capdale.com> 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 WewerLacy@aol.com" <WewerLacy@aol.com> Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu" <Mark.Scarberry@p 11/02/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rose Bird, the death penalty, & redistrictin Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 'Bill Maurer' <wmaurer@ij.org>, 'Rick Hasen' 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rose Bird, the death penalty, & redistrictin Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] DoJ blocks election-day giveaways in CT. Any Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, 'Election Law' 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] DoJ blocks election-day giveaways in CT. Any Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rose Bird, the death penalty, & redistrictin Tracy Westen <twesten@cgs.org> 'Douglas Johnson' <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, el 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] DoJ blocks election-day giveaways in CT. Any Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] DoJ blocks election-day giveaways in CT. Any Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010  
[EL] Fwd: News Release -- NCSC Provides Court Ele Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news II 11/1/10 Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> WewerLacy@aol.com" <WewerLacy@aol.com>, "Mark.Sc 11/02/2010  
[EL] FW: The Law of Politics (new book) Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rose Bird, the death penalty, & redistrictin Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Tracy Westen <twesten@cgs.org>, election-law@mai 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 11/02/2010  
[EL] more news 11/2/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Senator Feingold (was more news 11/2/10) Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu>, "election 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/2/10 Joseph Birkenstock <JMB@Capdale.com> Allison Hayward Gmail <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Senator Feingold (was more news 11/2/10) Jamin Raskin <raskin@wcl.american.edu> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com>, Volokh, Eugene" 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Voting out judges Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 11/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Senator Feingold Pildes, Rick" <pildesr@exchange.law.nyu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/02/2010 *
[EL] more news II 11/2/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
[EL] more news III 11/2/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Headline mismatch Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 11/02/2010  
[EL] more news IV Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
[EL] more news V Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news V Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/02/2010 *
[EL] 2010 turnout estimates Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Third Party Effects Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Tea Party Effects David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Third Party Effects Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Iowa court election and church advocacy Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Tea Party Effects Jonathan Adler <jha5@case.edu> David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu>, Lloyd Mayer 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Turnout Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Third Party Effects Ed Feigenbaum <EDF@ingrouponline.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Indiana, US House district 2 Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Ed F 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Iowa court election and church advocacy Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Ballot Fatigue Frank Reilly <reilly@pottsreilly.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 11/03/2010 *
[EL] new Vermont Governor supports Instant Runoff Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Tea Party Effects Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma 11/03/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Ballot Fatigue Michael Binder <mbinder@stanford.edu> Frank Reilly <reilly@pottsreilly.com> 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Jason Rylander <jasonrylander@gmail.com> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> mmcdon@gmu.edu" <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Josh Douglas <joshuadouglas@uky.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> 11/03/2010 *
[EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Ballot Fatigue Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Frank Reilly <reilly@pottsreilly.com>, election- 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] The ultimate 2011 redistricting legal battle Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] 2010 turnout estimates Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Ballot Fatigue Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, Frank R 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu>, Election Law 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010  
[EL] Coordination Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010  
[EL] more news 11/3/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 John Pomeranz <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com>, Josh Douglas 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'John Pomeranz' <jpomeranz@harmoncurran.com>, 'Da 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Third Party Effects -- Overall review and in Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/3/10 Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/03/2010 *
[EL] How to vote in Oregon Greg Howe <greghowe@howedata.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Smi 11/03/2010 *
[EL] Pildes guest post/more news III Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy Zachary Kester <zkester@bopplaw.com> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> 11/03/2010 *
[EL] FW: Pildes on political polarization & Propo Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Pildes on political polarization & Propo Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/03/2010  
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 11/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jgard@buffalo.edu" <jgard@buffalo.edu>, "Justin. 11/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 11/04/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/4/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Pildes guest post/more news III Elmendorf, Christopher" <cselmendorf@ucdavis.edu rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 11/04/2010 *
[EL] Turnout release and some additional thoughts Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jgard@buffalo.edu" <jgard@buffalo.edu> 11/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Redistricting in the wake of the mid-term el Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Jim Gardner' <jgard@buffalo.edu>, JBoppjr@aol.c 11/04/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/5/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/05/2010 *
[EL] Re; Turnout Release Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
[EL] Re; Turnout release Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
[EL] Would help Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/5/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/05/2010 *
[EL] California expenditure data Doug Spencer <dougspencer@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] California expenditure data dasmith <dasmith@ufl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
[EL] only 632 write-ins for Alaska Governor Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
[EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/05/2010  
[EL] no party received majority this week, for to Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, R 11/05/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 11/05/2010 *
[EL] Lawsuit over Florida's new Congressional red James Woodruff <jwoodruff@fcsl.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/05/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Lowenstein, Dan 11/06/2010 *
[EL] I wonder if Alaska should impact the Democra Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] I wonder if Alaska should impact the Democra Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma 11/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Lawsuit over Florida's new Congressional red Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> 11/06/2010  
Re: [EL] FW: Iowa court election and church advocacy Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> Zachary Kester <zkester@bopplaw.com> 11/06/2010 *
[EL] Latest blog: How and Why Dayton (Apparently David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> dschultz@Hamline.edu" <dschultz@Hamline.edu>, "e 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> 11/06/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/6/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Another election problem in New York Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Election Law' 11/06/2010 *
[EL] OK, so now and then one vote matters Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/6/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 11/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] OK, so now and then one vote matters Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 11/06/2010  
[EL] Yankee Panky Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu>, Al 11/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, "Lowenste 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, Michael Malbin 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu>, Rob Richi 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> BSmith@law.capital.edu" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "BSmith@law. 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com>, Smith, Brad" 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, " 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com>, Smith, Brad" 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and th John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Hillel Levin <hillellevin@gmail.com> 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 11/07/2010 *
[EL] all the list members who are in the film "Ge Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and t Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Hillel Levin <hillellevin@gmail.com>, Rick Hasen 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Yankee Panky Charles Stewart III <cstewart@mit.edu> Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu>, " 11/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> 11/08/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/8/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/08/2010 *
[EL] "Shade from the Glare: The Case for Semi-Dis Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/08/2010 *
[EL] Correction Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission James Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 11/08/2010 *
[EL] An addendum to my last Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, JBoppjr@aol.c 11/08/2010 *
[EL] Voter fraud, 1860 edition Derek Muller <derek.muller@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska write-ins, voter intent, and the Demo Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission James Fischer <jfischer@swlaw.edu> James Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com>, jon.roland@const 11/08/2010 *
[EL] amateurism and the California Redistricting J. Morgan Kousser" <kousser@hss.caltech.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] amateurism and the California Redistricting Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'James Fischer' <jfischer@swlaw.edu>, 'James Lacy 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Limits on Subsequent Use of Campaign Disclos Bill Sherman <lists@shermanleary.com> BZall@aol.com" <BZall@aol.com>, "election-law@ma 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Limits on Subsequent Use of Campaign Disclos David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> BZall@aol.com" <BZall@aol.com> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission James Lacy <wewerlacy@aol.com> James Fischer <jfischer@swlaw.edu> 11/08/2010 *
[EL] independent legislators elected in 9 or 10 s Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed 11/08/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/8/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, 'Jame 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] An addendum to my last Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, bruc 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, 'Jame 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Larry Levine' <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, 'Jame 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Ken Mayer <kmayer@polisci.wisc.edu> 'Larry Levine' <larrylevine@earthlink.net>, 'Doug 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 11/8/10 Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 11/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> bruce@cain.berkeley.edu" <bruce@cain.berkeley.ed 11/08/2010  
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> 11/08/2010 *
[EL] lawsuit filed against Florida redistricting Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/08/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/9/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/09/2010 *
[EL] county-level House results for 1994 Tim Farnam <farnamt@washpost.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/09/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/9/10 Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/09/2010 *
[EL] Check out Wall Street Journal: The ACLU Stan JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 11/09/2010 *
Re: [EL] Check out Wall Street Journal: The ACLU Stan Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/09/2010 *
[EL] Enjoining state officials from certifying el Volokh, Eugene" <VOLOKH@law.ucla.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/09/2010  
Re: [EL] Check out Wall Street Journal: The ACLU Stan Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/09/2010 *
Re: [EL] California redistricting commission Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> jon.roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> 11/09/2010  
Re: [EL] Enjoining state officials from certifying el Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/09/2010 *
[EL] federal complaint in Alaska write-in case Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/09/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/10/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/10/2010 *
[EL] Richie declares victory with recount predict Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] Richie declares victory with recount predict Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> 11/10/2010  
[EL] Earmarks Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] Richie declares victory with recount predict Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com>, Rob Rich 11/10/2010  
[EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> Michael McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Jeff Wice <jmwice@gmail.com> Margaret Groarke <margaret.groarke@manhattan.edu> 11/10/2010  
Re: [EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> jmwice@gmail.com" <jmwice@gmail.com>, 'Margaret 11/10/2010  
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> Craig Oren <oren@camden.rutgers.edu>, Lowenstein 11/10/2010  
[EL] Election Law Journal - Call for Papers on In Daniel Tokaji <tokaji.1@osu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> legislation@mailman.lls.edu" <legislation@mailma 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] New York Re-Redistricting on Deck? Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/10/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks Lowenstein, Daniel" <lowenstein@law.ucla.edu> Craig Oren <oren@camden.rutgers.edu> 11/10/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/11/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/10/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/11/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 11/11/10 Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 11/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 11/11/10 Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 11/11/2010 *
[EL] Voter ID: The video David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID: The video Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 11/11/2010 *
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks David Jandura <djandura@ifes.org> Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au>, Election Law 11/11/2010  
Re: [EL] [Leg] Earmarks and districts Tom Round <tom.round@scu.edu.au> David Jandura <djandura@ifes.org>, Election Law < 11/11/2010 *
[EL] FW: Oakland Mayoral Race Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/12/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/12/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Douglas Johnson' <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, ri 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Oakland Mayoral Race Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu> 11/12/2010  
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Oakland Mayoral Race Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Justin Levitt' <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, electio 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rob Richie' <rr@fairvote.org> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> 'Rob Richie' <rr@fairvote.org>, Douglas Johnson < 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu>, election- 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, 'Just 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, rich 11/12/2010 *
[EL] IE's in Oakland and IRV elections Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] personal attacks on the IRV thread Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rob Richie' <rr@fairvote.org> 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] FW: Oakland Mayoral Race Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu>, Election Law 11/12/2010 *
[EL] Not intentional... Re: personal attacks on Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/12/2010 *
[EL] 70% of 2008 pres primary voters didn't vote Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Lloyd Mayer <lmayer@nd.edu>, Election Law 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] 70% of 2008 pres primary voters didn't vote Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] problem with winning strategy in IRV electio Chad and Cori Jacobs <jacobscc@hotmail.com> djohnson@ndcresearch.com" <djohnson@ndcresearch. 11/12/2010 *
Re: [EL] Text of judgement stripping UK MP of seat jure.toplak@uni-mb.si" <jure.toplak@uni-mb.si> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/13/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/13/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/13/2010 *
Re: [EL] Voter ID: The video Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/14/2010 *
[EL] Oakland Mayor's race "pass report" Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/14/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/14/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] Text of judgement stripping UK MP of seat Shraddhanand Bhutada <shraddhanand@gmail.com> jure.toplak@uni-mb.si" <jure.toplak@uni-mb.si> 11/14/2010  
[EL] FW: Oakland Mayor's race "pass report" Helen Hutchison <helen@helenhutch.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/14/2010 *
[EL] Question(s) for the listserve Paris Nelson <Paris.Nelson@SOS.STATE.CO.US> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Question(s) for the listserve Steve Hoersting <shoersting@campaignfreedom.org> Paris Nelson <Paris.Nelson@sos.state.co.us> 11/15/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: Question(s) for the listserve Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/15/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/15/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/15/2010 *
[EL] FW: Question(s) for the listserve Joseph Birkenstock <jbirkenstock@capdale.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/15/2010 *
[EL] academic articles on the management of the V Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/16/2010 *
[EL] My Turnout Book and Statistics is now online Curtis Gans <gans@american.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/16/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/16/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/16/2010 *
[EL] Write-in votes Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Write-in votes Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 11/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Write-in votes Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Je 11/17/2010 *
[EL] Sad news about Larry Hansen, one of the true Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/17/2010 *
[EL] CAIVP, sponsor of Cal. Prop 14, treats Cal. Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Write-in votes (and Larry Hansen) Michael Malbin <mmalbin@cfinst.org> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 11/17/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/17/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/17/2010 *
[EL] First Circuit opinion forces minor parties t Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Write-in votes Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 11/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Write-in votes Vince Leibowitz <vince.leibowitz@gmail.com> Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 11/17/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/17/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/17/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/18/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/18/2010 *
[EL] random selection for CA redistricting commis Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/18/2010  
[EL] population deviations for state legislatures Tom Brunell <tlb056000@utdallas.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/18/2010  
Re: [EL] population deviations for state legislatures Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Tom Brunell <tlb056000@utdallas.edu> 11/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] random selection for CA redistricting commis Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/18/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/19/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/18/2010 *
[EL] The Millionaire's Amendment Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Millionaire's Amendment Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Millionaire's Amendment Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Millionaire's Amendment Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Millionaire's Amendment David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] The Millionaire's Amendment Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Craig Holman <holman@aol.com>, election-law@mail 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Millionaires Amendment Jennifer Steen <jasteen@asu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/19/2010  
[EL] Millionaires' Amendment Jennifer Steen <jasteen@asu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/19/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/19/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/19/2010 *
[EL] Alaska ain't over just yet yet Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> legislation@mailman.lls.edu" <legislation@mailma 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Alaska ain't over just yet Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 11/19/2010 *
[EL] Spanish election video controversary Silverman Fred <silcominc@aol.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] Spanish election video controversary Mark Rush <markrush7983@gmail.com> Silverman Fred <silcominc@aol.com> 11/20/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/20/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/20/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/22/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Math 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Justin Levitt <Justin.Levitt@lls.edu> Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.edu> 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Mathew Manweller <ManwellerM@cwu.edu>, Election L 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 11/22/2010  
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org>, John Tanner 11/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Changes in Statehouses Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com>, Rob Richie 11/22/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/23/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/23/2010 *
[EL] to see my afternoon and evening Election Law Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/24/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] one more: Electionlawblog news and commentar Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] Truly Tragic News: Greg Coleman Has Died in Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] Registered voter / wrong precinct / provisio Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/24/2010 *
[EL] DeLay convicted; more news Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/25/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/24/2010 *
[EL] thoughts on tomorrow's likely cert. grant in Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on tomorrow's likely cert. grant in JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, "elect 11/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on tomorrow's likely cert. grant in Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 11/28/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/28/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on public financing Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 11/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on public financing Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com>, JBop 11/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on public financing Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 11/28/2010  
Re: [EL] thoughts on tomorrow's likely cert. grant in Trevor Potter <TP@Capdale.com> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "rick.hasen@ 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on public financing Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Paul Gronke' <paul.gronke@gmail.com>, 'Douglas J 11/29/2010  
[EL] McComish cert. grant Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/29/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/29/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/29/10 EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/29/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] McComish cert. grant Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/29/10 Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, EDWARD FOLEY < 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/29/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Goldfeder, Jerry H." <jgoldfeder@stroock.com> 11/29/2010 *
Re: [EL] thoughts on tomorrow's likely cert. grant in JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> TP@Capdale.com" <TP@Capdale.com>, "rick.hasen@ll 11/29/2010 *
[EL] Maptitude Training in Phoenix Jennifer Steen <jasteen@asu.edu> 'election-law@mailman.lls.edu'" <election-law@ma 11/29/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 11/30/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/29/2010 *
[EL] more news 11/30/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 11/30/2010 *
[EL] The Brennan Center's Citizen's Guide to Redi Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Wood, Erika" <WoodE@exchange.law.nyu.edu> 11/30/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/1/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/01/2010 *
[EL] Blanket primaries Edelman, Paul" <paul.edelman@law.vanderbilt.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Blanket primaries Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Edelman, Paul" <paul.edelman@law.vanderbilt.edu> 12/01/2010  
[EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/01/2010 *
[EL] Anonymity in politics Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, Election 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? David S. Ettinger" <dettinger@horvitzlevy.com> 'Abigail Thernstrom' <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu>, 12/01/2010 *
[EL] California Re-districting commission Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/01/2010 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity in politics Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> 12/01/2010  
Re: [EL] Anonymity in politics Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> Jim Gardner <jgard@buffalo.edu> 12/01/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/2/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Rangel & Censure Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Rick Hasen' <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>, 'Election Law' 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] OCE Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> EDWARD FOLEY <foley.33@osu.edu> 12/02/2010 *
[EL] Putin endorses NPV? Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] OCE Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 12/02/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/3/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Breyer doesn't like Ike? Abigail Thernstrom <thernstr@fas.harvard.edu> Brian Landsberg <blandsberg@pacific.edu> 12/02/2010 *
Re: [EL] Putin endorses NPV? Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org>, Election 12/02/2010  
Re: [EL] Putin endorses NPV? David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> Jack Santucci <jms346@georgetown.edu> 12/03/2010 *
[EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/03/2010 *
[EL] UK campaign speech decision affirmed Kieran Williams <kierandwilliams@yahoo.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> 12/03/2010  
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net>, David 12/03/2010 *
[EL] more news 12/3/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> LarryLevine@earthlink.net" <LarryLevine@earthlin 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] Latino residents of Compton file CVRA lawsui Douglas Johnson <djohnson@ndcresearch.com> 'Election Law' <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/03/2010 *
[EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec Mark Posner <mposner@lawyerscommittee.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Electi 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/03/2010 *
Re: [EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, "election 12/04/2010  
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> LarryLevine@earthlink.net" <LarryLevine@earthlin 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity in politics Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> LarryLevine@earthlink.net" <LarryLevine@earthlin 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law-bounces@mailman.lls.edu" <election- 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu>, "el 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] query re Bush v. Gore and Supreme Court prec Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 12/04/2010  
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> lminnite@gmail.com" <lminnite@gmail.com>, "elect 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Steven Rosenfeld <srose14@earthlink.net> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, Lori Minnite 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com>, "elec 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Milyo, Jeffrey D." <milyoj@missouri.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Steven Rosenfeld <srose14@earthlink.net> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu>, "election 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> srose14@earthlink.net" <srose14@earthlink.net>, 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com>, "lminnite@gm 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud JBoppjr@aol.com" <JBoppjr@aol.com> LarryLevine@earthlink.net" <LarryLevine@earthlin 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Lorraine C. Minnite'" <lminnite@gmail.com>, "'S 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Larry Levine <LarryLevine@earthlink.net> Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org>, 'Lorrai 12/04/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/4/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud David A. Schultz" <dschultz@gw.hamline.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Lorraine C. Minnite" <lminnite@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Jeff Patch <jpatch@campaignfreedom.org> 'Lorraine C. Minnite'" <lminnite@gmail.com>, "el 12/04/2010 *
Re: [EL] Anonymity in politics Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> 12/04/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/6/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/05/2010 *
[EL] Reporting of election results Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reporting of election results Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com> 12/06/2010  
[EL] photo IDs and detection of voter fraud Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Reporting of election results Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 12/06/2010 *
Re: [EL] Reporting of election results Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com> 12/06/2010  
Re: [EL] Reporting of election results Jeff Wice <jmwice@gmail.com> Vassia Stoilov <vassia37@yahoo.com>, election-la 12/06/2010  
[EL] "better draw a district" Daniel Schuman <dschuman@sunlightfoundation.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/06/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/7/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/06/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: FactCheck.org's CASH ATTACK 2010 12/13/ Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/07/2010 *
[EL] more news 12/7/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/07/2010 *
Re: [EL] more news 12/7/10 Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/07/2010 *
[EL] Minnesota ruling Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/07/2010 *
[EL] Question about federal prosecutions between nathaniel persily <nate@persily.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/07/2010  
Re: [EL] Question about federal prosecutions between David Epstein <de11@columbia.edu> nathaniel persily <nate@persily.com> 12/07/2010 *
[EL] indiana law review symposium issue on the la Pitts, Michael Jude" <mjpitts@iupui.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] indiana law review symposium issue on the la Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Pitts, Michael Jude" <mjpitts@iupui.edu> 12/08/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/8/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/8/10 Roy Schotland <schotlan@law.georgetown.edu> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, Election Law 12/08/2010 *
Re: [EL] Question about federal prosecutions between Robbin Stewart <gtbear@gmail.com> nathaniel persily <nate@persily.com>, Election La 12/08/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/9/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/09/2010 *
[EL] Soliciting money in the US for a foreign ele Edward Still <still@votelaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/09/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/10/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/09/2010 *
[EL] more news 12/10/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/10/2010 *
[EL] Redistricting technology, collectors of dist Steven Clift <slc@publicus.net> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/11/2010  
[EL] off the subject, but interesting (why new sc Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/12/2010 *
[EL] Six Reflections on Bush v. Gore Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Legi 12/12/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/13/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/12/2010 *
[EL] Clemons summary disposition Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/13/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/14/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/13/2010 *
[EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> 12/14/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/15/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/14/2010 *
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> 12/14/2010 *
[EL] Different limits on contributions (state law Edward Still <still@votelaw.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Jason C. Miller" <jcmiller@gmail.com> 12/15/2010  
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com>, Jason C 12/15/2010  
Re: [EL] Different limits on contributions (state law Craig Holman <holman@aol.com> still@votelaw.com" <still@votelaw.com>, "electio 12/15/2010 *
[EL] ELJ / Manuscript Central To Do's Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Tokaji Dan <tokaji.1@osu.edu> 12/15/2010  
[EL] Fwd: URGENT ELJ matter Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Law Election <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/15/2010  
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Alysoun McLaughlin <AMcLaughlin@dcboee.org> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com>, Jason C 12/15/2010  
Re: [EL] Fwd: URGENT ELJ matter Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Law Election <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Paul 12/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Salvador Peralta <oregon.properties@yahoo.com> Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com>, Jason C. Mill 12/15/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/16/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/15/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/16/10 Steve Hoersting <hoersting@gmail.com> Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 12/16/2010 *
Re: [EL] All-mail elections research & analysis? Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Alysoun McLaughlin <AMcLaughlin@dcboee.org> 12/16/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/17/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/16/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/17/10 David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/17/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> 12/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/17/10 Ellen Aprill <Ellen.Aprill@lls.edu> David Mason <dmason12@gmail.com> 12/17/2010 *
[EL] more news 12/17/10 Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
[EL] Where is Turnout Buying Legal? (other than C Victoria Anne Shineman <vas281@nyu.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/17/2010  
[EL] live blogging the Joe Miller argument Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
[EL] still more news Rick Hasen <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
[EL] All Foley All the Time Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] All Foley All the Time Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/17/2010 *
Re: [EL] All Foley All the Time Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Allison Hayward <allisonhayward@gmail.com>, rick 12/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 12/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/18/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/18/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/19/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/19/2010 *
[EL] "Justices Offer Receptive Ear to Business In Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/19/2010 *
Re: [EL] "Justices Offer Receptive Ear to Business In Dan Johnson-Weinberger <dan.johnsonweinberger@gma Smith, Brad" <BSmith@law.capital.edu> 12/19/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/20/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> 12/20/2010  
[EL] Election Law Journal 9:4, the Lowenstein Fes Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/20/2010 *
Re: [EL] Who will miss the EAC? Paul Lehto <lehto.paul@gmail.com> Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joehall@gmail.com> 12/20/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/21/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/20/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: Special Issue of Election Law Journal H Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010 *
[EL] Census apportionment totals versus announced Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010  
Re: [EL] Census apportionment totals versus announced john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com>, election-law 12/21/2010  
Re: [EL] Census apportionment totals versus announced John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com>, election-law 12/21/2010  
Re: [EL] Census apportionment totals versus announced Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co 12/21/2010  
Re: [EL] Census apportionment totals versus announced Michael P McDonald <mmcdon@gmu.edu> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010  
[EL] census, etc. Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010 *
[EL] Excel file for playing with apportionment nu Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010  
[EL] Apportionment and population Mike Conlow <mconlow@gmail.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Apportionment and population Rob Richie <rr@fairvote.org> Mike Conlow <mconlow@gmail.com>, election-law@ma 12/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Excel file for playing with apportionment nu Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> election-law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010  
Re: [EL] Excel file for playing with apportionment nu Paul Gronke <paul.gronke@gmail.com> Doug Hess <douglasrhess@gmail.com> 12/21/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/22/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/21/2010 *
Re: [EL] Apportionment and population Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> 'Rob Richie' <rr@fairvote.org>, 'Mike Conlow' 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/22/10 Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu>, 'Elect 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Apportionment and population Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, 'Rob 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/22/10 Bill Maurer <wmaurer@ij.org> Sean Parnell <sparnell@campaignfreedom.org>, ric 12/22/2010 *
[EL] more news 12/22/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/22/2010 *
[EL] Cal Sec of State sets one and one-half day p Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/22/2010 *
[EL] Joe Miller loses in Alaska Supreme Court Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Joe Miller loses in Alaska Supreme Court Bonin, Adam C." <ABonin@cozen.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Cal Sec of State sets one and one-half day p John Tanner <john.k.tanner@gmail.com> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 12/22/2010 *
Re: [EL] Joe Miller loses in Alaska Supreme Court Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> rick.hasen@lls.edu" <rick.hasen@lls.edu> 12/22/2010 *
[EL] get 'em while they're hot! Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/22/2010  
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/23/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/22/2010 *
[EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, Con 12/22/2010 *
[EL] Top Ten Money-in-Politics Stories of 2010 David Donnelly <ddonnelly@campaignmoney.org> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/23/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro john.k.tanner@gmail.com" <john.k.tanner@gmail.co Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 12/23/2010  
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com> Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> 12/23/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com>, Scarberry, Ma 12/23/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> Lori Minnite <lminnite@gmail.com>, MarkScarberry 12/23/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? (cro Gaddie, Ronald K." <rkgaddie@ou.edu> richardwinger@yahoo.com" <richardwinger@yahoo.co 12/23/2010 *
[EL] 2010 US House totals by party Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/23/2010 *
[EL] Fwd: FW: For Apportionment Geeks Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/23/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Conlawprof@lists.ucla.edu" <Conlawprof@lists.ucl 12/23/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/24/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/23/2010 *
[EL] Bluman motion to dismiss, and level of scrut Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Mortimer Sellers <mortimer.sellers@gmail.com> 12/24/2010 *
Re: [EL] Revival of DC House Voting Rights Bill? Scarberry, Mark" <Mark.Scarberry@pepperdine.edu> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 12/24/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/27/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/27/2010 *
[EL] more on Miller Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/27/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/28/10 Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/27/2010 *
[EL] finality in Alaska Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/28/2010 *
[EL] 'right not to vote' Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/28/2010  
Re: [EL] 'right not to vote' Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> Larry Levine <larrylevine@earthlink.net> 12/28/2010  
Re: [EL] 'right not to vote' Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> 12/28/2010 *
Re: [EL] 'right not to vote' Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> jon.roland@constitution.org" <jon.roland@constit 12/28/2010  
Re: [EL] 'right not to vote' Jon Roland <jon.roland@constitution.org> Lisa Hill <lisa.hill@adelaide.edu.au> 12/28/2010 *
[EL] Breaking Eisen News/Alaska Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 12/29/2010 *
[EL] Panel at SPSA R. Sam Garrett" <RGARRETT@crs.loc.gov> electionlawprof@list.law.capital.edu" <electionl 12/30/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/30/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/30/2010 *
[EL] Doug Chapin's "The List" 2011 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/31/2010 *
[EL] Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/31/10 Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu> 12/31/2010 *
[EL] Virginia brief in circulator residency lawsu Richard Winger <richardwinger@yahoo.com> election-law@mailman.lls.edu" <election-law@mail 12/31/2010 *
[EL] Alaska saga over Rick Hasen <hasenr@gmail.com> Election Law <election-law@mailman.lls.edu>, leg 12/31/2010 *